
Matthew Johnson Sketchbook/demo reel wip

update, still a wip, and a fast concept


that T-rex is amazing, very inspiring!, probably the best one ive seen on this forum!! ( me personaly ) your other sculpts are great as well… excellent job.

i have to say, ( and i don’t usually say things like this ) but there are very few models on here that can make me stop what im doin and want to start Zbrushing straight away… but your T-rex is definately one of those few.


Pretty mermaid, mmmm!
Keep it up! :+1:

sorry it took so long to respond to everyone. I started a new full time job, while going to school full time and doing some freelance work on the side.

Jutsu- I want to thank you a lot because you made me realise something, and made me a little depressed IN A GOOD WAY. you made me realise that my trex is my bench mark right
know and my other work isn’t up to par with it and that I need to push myself to the next level. and i’m going back to some of my older posts and updating them and
trying to push them to that next level.
thanks for the kind words and unintended motivation
Matthew Johnson

AtlantiB- haven’t had a lot of time to do personal projects, still fleshing this one out!
thanks for the support.

Cool! I like it …


Great speedsculpt on the alien creature you did for work,it looks great and the 30min doodle is good too :):+1:
keep it going mate,

  • Kenny:)


Took the speedy I did and worked on it for 1 more hour.




speedy 90mins


45 mins speedy

C_Cat 25 Mins or less

45 mins speedy

I did the 1st pass of texturing on one sub tool, hand painted with poly paint. Did a test render with Zbrush’s BPR. I used Photoshop for the Comp. I like where it’s going, feedback is welcome as always.

I like where it’s going too.


I like where it’s going, too.

Digging the texturing, try adding a bit more blue’ish hits to break up the red / pink, adding some irregular specular hits will also help break it up and give it that slimey look. idealy the guts would have a stronger and smaller spec highlight then the skin.

Did some texturing, all by hand with poly paint. I think I need to break up the texture some more or add more colors. … something… open for wisdom

johnchen : thanks, i will try that out. I haven’t messed with the spec that much its just skin shader 4 in zbrush

deckard01 thanks, your “morning every 90 mins” is crazy good!

this is the texture with the flat matcap
1st time doing light cap