
Master and Servant - Last Update 5.02.05 on page 8

Ho, great idea ! :+1:
I had badly to understand that the object not textured was a wagon, but I finally understood thanks to hot dogs which fell. Lol.

I wish good luck to you, even if you have big chances to win once again. :laughing:small_orange_diamond:roll_eyes:

Amazing.Maybe you want some more of those wild lollipops in the pouch? (she looks like she goes through a lot of them…:D)

YES!!! Now I am sure we can see the last picture in 39 days :smiley:


PLEASE, I would BEG for a highres Pic for my wall. This is to funny!

That made my day!

perfection nothing more nothing less :+1: :+1: :+1:

Oh yeah, that’s working!

Jason can be reached at Cowboy Feng’s Spacebar and Grill. If you know where it is, you are indeed privileged.


What, Bas Mazur you haven’t read Brust?


I’ve been somewhat stuck in Brust’s Vlad Taltosh series for years, and really can’t get out. OK, I’m really not trying, having way too much fun. :smiley:

[color=black][font=Times New Roman]This is coming out very well, but the first thing I noticed was the motion blur (near the kangaroo’s hands and feet). I realize that this is still a work in progress, but it’s something of a pet peeve of mine. The blatant abuse by the digital artist community of the “Photoshop blur” has got to stop. It’s as painful to see as lens flare.

I don’t know… Am I alone in this?

Antropus, please don’t get me wrong, your a fantastic artist and I’ve quasi followed your work from other sites. I think you did a great job on the kangaroo and the girl is coming along well. Great idea!

I’m tired I’m going to sleep now.

Really cool concpet… i was wondering what environment the girl with the Lollipop was gonna be placed in… love it

Great intro MACMAN!
‘Mac’ man

Thanks a lot guys :+1:
Here some updates after a loooong week of hard work and shooooort weekend working for this piece :frowning:

Plants in full resolution placed one by one and introducing the last character for this work: the hot-dog guy :slight_smile:


You push the limits of Zb! :sunglasses:
Bravo :+1:
Ps Maybe some scripts when the challenge will be finished ? :wink:

Antropus: Amazing stuff, the hard work is showing…big time. “Vai fundo!” :smiley: The skin quality on these characters is simply amazing.

That’s so wonderfull ! :grimacing:
You are the winner for me.
I love guy’s head, and the skin of mutant kangaroo. You creat everything with Zbrush ?

WOW! All I can say!. WOW!

I’m happy when my ZSphere doesn’t fall of the canvas… sighhh

I’m deeply impressed and inspired so… back to the tutorials :sunglasses:

Great skills :slight_smile:

You made my day!!! That hotdog-guy is SUPER!!!

What a great crazy idea. It reminds me of the horrible characters that were in Roald Dahl’s books like ‘The Twits’. Ugly, greedy, fat people. Fantastic:D

Beautiful work and very creative. So close to having the power of a Frazetta. I really like the whole idea, at least what you have shown us. :wink: