
Mariano Steiner schnitzels ! (?)


Nice pieces! Good job :wink:

Hey Fellas!
Just want to share a new model i did as a anatomy study, trying to get rid of the muscular people a little bit.
It was very challanging to find the pregnant woman proportions. The anatomy here is very unusual…
Hope you like it!




nice job! love the lighting you did a lot.

Excellent :slight_smile:

Beautiful rendering and lighting…Really captured and expressed a great feeling and mood. :+1:small_orange_diamond:)


Hello, Mariano! I am a big fan of your work - your latest flamingo and Brazilian assassin are especially great.

I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, because your latest piece is really lovely, but I have some constructive criticism for your pregnant anatomy study. I think the belly should start closer to the bottom of the sternum, about a fist’s distance below the center of the breasts, and possibly have a more abrupt slope away from her torso. As it is now, the belly starts up between her breasts and has a very gradual slope away from her body, giving it the impression of a huge beer belly. Judging from her back, legs, and hips, I feel that you are going for a woman with a more natural and average figure - a bit heavier and softer than your normal ZBrush beauty queen - but if this is the case then the belly would actually be less noticeable, as the signs of pregnancy are usually much subtler in a heavy woman than in a thin woman. The slenderness of her neck and shoulders is also incongruous with a heavier figure. That being said, I think the back, legs, feet and overall pose of the figure are amazing! This may be weird to say, but I also think that you sculpted the pubic region in a very naturalistic and pleasing way.

I am very impressed with this piece, but figured I’d put my two cents in just in case it has some value to you. Very much looking forward to more work from you. Cheers!

Did some tweaks based on the feedback i had.
Thanks for the critics Cdizzle! They were very helpfull!

Fantastic job on this marianosteiner. Beautiful work. The tweaks you did based on Cdizzle’s suggestions really benefited your great modeling of this project.


Great work man,love the render very sweet!i think the curve of left clavicle and her deltoids muscle maybe need more attention,also if you don’t mind i think you can put more weight on feet cause right now the feet does not showing so much wait!love your works and looking forward for more:)

This is one of my latest studies.
I did a live session a while ago and sculpted this bust out .
You can watch the sculpting process here http://mastein3d.blogspot.com.br/p/live.html

After finishing the sculpture, i wanted to go deeper and try a portrait study.
Textures are painted with Spotlight + polypaint. Hair and fur with Ornatrix and render with Vray.

Hope you like it!

Critics and comments are very wlcome!

Wow, great portrait:+1:. My only critique is that skin looks bit to smooth, especially for a person that old.

awesome work!!!

Great sculpt and lovely portrait! :smiley:


cheers guys!
Here are the main textures. Color map painted with spotlight and polypaint.
I’ve also used several fur masks, lenght maps, distribution maps etc, but they are not interesting to show here :stuck_out_tongue:




A couple of Jobs i did last year.

Werewolf. Partnership with Techno Image.

Quadraped’s Tutorial for 3DCreative Mag. Do entirely in Zbrush, render composition in Photoshop.

You can check more shots at http://mastein3d.blogspot.com.br/p/professional.html



Awesome collection of work here and on your website… Very Cool … Deke :slight_smile:

Supercool little print my friend Mike Meehan printed and painted.
Not sure exactly what is the company who printed the model out, but it’s on Russia!


Excellent work, congratulations! :smiley:

Where do you print this and what is the price, could you tell me please, thank you.


Nice sculpt and print!

WOW! excellent work, that print looks amazing.

Do you use perspective when working Zbrush?