
Mariano Steiner schnitzels ! (?)

thats soo…eeuuu fantastic

Great sculpt -> great translation from 2d to 3d -> weight, tension (like in the right foot) :+1:small_orange_diamond:sunglasses:

A great sculpture! Intense expressivity and very interesting details, fluid reaction and interaction with the character but… what happens to his kidneys? Is he pissing maple syrup? LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks everyone!
Here it is, a close up of the face and the turntable sculpture!

Some random quick sketch i did this week. About 1 hour of fun :slight_smile:

hey i seen this a few days on your vimeo account you seem to really know the forms it came together really quick i love your end result and the expression is really realistic… im loving the way zscripts play now its almost like a movie or something and all the additional features that i have yet to explore like the insert brushes… i need to get back into it been away from it for four months…

keep up the great work buddy have been following your posts since the beginning you have some amazing work… very inspirational to me i sculpt mostly wildlife stuff you can see some sketches in my gallery … but amazing stuff keep up the great work… i look forward to seeing more work from you soon… :wink:

This is the result of the lastest “Live Sketching” i did last week.
2 hours of sketch using dynamesh.
You can watch the sculpting video at http://mastein3d.blogspot.com.br/p/live.html ( on the PAST LIVE SKETCHES links )
Hope you like it!

Looks great:) Love the proportions and expression.

Face close up attempt, inspired by a Erwin Olaf’s photo.
Sculpted from a plane, detail and paint in zbrush, render in max.

Very disturbing and cool!

The colored Versionface_plane_fina_small.jpg


Nice sculpt and color. There is a fine expression in your all artworks that I like.
And thanks for introduce Blaz Porenta. Shame on me :stuck_out_tongue:
I like his artworks and also his blog title (Ninja Art)
Waiting for more colorful sculpt of you.

Good technical work…but this should have a MA on it so I dont open up and image of a guy spraying his **** everywhere at work…thanks!

Thank you guys :slight_smile:
Here is a ZB shot of the face.

Another sketch.
About 2 hours of sculpt.



sorry. couldn’t resist.

very nicely done.

Model i’m doing for the contest at http://<wbr>brasil.deviantart.com/ The idea is to make a brazilian Assassin and make him fit in the history of the country.

Still thinking about the name of the character.
But here we go.

This brazilian assassin fights agains the slavery tyranny in the XVI century. He’s a slave himself, so he lives his own cause.
The challange here is to re-design the character to fit in the brazilian reality at that time. A slave with lacking resources and material to make weapons or clothes. Some items on his clothing are very improvised, others are stoled from rich Lords.

coments and critics are very welcome.

Good looking stuff!

Hey Hey!
another WIP!
I’m doing this super nostalgic model as personal work. Based on the first Power Ranger series.
The green ranger, Tommy.