
Malik Desert Elf

Hey Everyone
Here is a recent project that I started summer last year and slowly got around to “finishing”
Be sure to scroll down and check the Turntable video out!
Wanted to take something from a old game called Shadowbane and bring it to life a bit in the style of God of War.
It was a lot of fun exploring ideas on him and pushing it through to Unreal Engine 5. Kept him to a few udims and tri count around 300k for the overall budget. Groom done for the hair with Xgen Maya.
Sculpted in Zbrush. Rebuilt with topogun3 then Substance Painter for textures.

Thanks for looking and excited to move onto something new.


Gorgeous work, love the skin shader and skin scar details, well done @GregStrangis :clap:

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