
Madelyne Pryor, The Goblin Queen

Straight off the pages of Marvel’s The Dark Xmen, Madelyne Pryor, The Goblin Queen and leader of the team.

Initially when I started Madelyne, I had no intentions of doing this version of her but as the Krokoan era Xmen stories unfolded and the Dark Xmen emerged, the temptation to also create an updated version of her look was too compelling. I was torn on which design to create in 3d… classic or the modern. I loved elements of both so I decided to double up the work and create both. Because who needs sleep?.. however i wanted to put my own interpretation of her crown and armor with a more contemporized look.

for more, check out my ArtStation: SoMuch3D :slightly_smiling_face:


You’ve done her justice!!! She looks gorgeous, thanks for sharing your process :wink:

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JAIME! thank you so much for the praise and appreciation. I’m glad you like her! I really appreciate the kind words and support, by the way. :pray: :blue_heart:

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