
Lucifer: The Fallen Angel

Gr8 piece of art, literally made me speachless…EXCELLENT JOB :+1: :smiley:

Fantastic artwork bro !!!
FP !!! :slight_smile:

Keep posting your fantastic art !

See ya,

WOW! :+1:

I love the lighting and the contrast between the skin color and the background. Great job.

Link to my own sci-fi art videos.

WOW, this is a great piece of art. The lighting, pose and mood of the scene really come together to lure the viewer into imagining what the character is feeling. Only crit is the characters left arm, it needs more refinement in the muscle tone and the elbow crease is a bit to crunched, other than that its great stuff


Very nice work:)

The guy next to me at work says that looks like me.

I very much liked the smoke hair, the face has a mask like apperence. The feathers seem a little to uniform. Thanks.

You’ve captured the look and feel of one of those pre-raphaelite style paintings by Sir Edward Burne-Jones from the late 1800’s.

I’m brand new to Zbrush and this forum but this makes me want to strive and learn more.

Unbelievable, Truly great, ca.

:grimacing: A W S O M E :grimacing:
