
Lord (WIP)

Thanks guys! I still have tons of work on it…

About the alpahs, size must be something like 256 I think…
Regaring a video tutorial, why not… The thing is I work sometime for an hour, sometime for four, witch is not the best way to do a video!
I should planify it, record scrypt, otimise the script to rmove unusefull steps, and replay the script to record the video. I think I should need something like a entire week! FUll time job!

Bravo…stunning work.


on the top row!! Eventhough it’s unfinished, I vote for it to be there already. :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

heres the final version of the face sculpting, with skinpores details :


VERY NICE!! :+1:

I just got one question… How did you make the armor?

wow! awesome model and details.
With a texture work like your “Nurenda” image that will be amazing!

Sebcesoir, would you mind explaining your pore application ? I’m a bit curious here. :slight_smile:
To me, foreheads are usually not very “pory”, but the nose surely is - and you did the opposite. As well for your beard, getting a flocky one is not really realistic.

I’m sure you know what you do, so I’m not criticizing at all, rather asking for details. :slight_smile:

Bye !

You might be right… I dont go this far in the details… I just put skinpores that looks cool, they mught not have the exact size…
Here’s an advanced version of the face textured.
The armor is not textured yet…


Fantastic work!!! :grimacing: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

NICE! :+1: :+1: :+1:

But i still want to now how you did the helmet and the armor! Is it an alpha?

Sebcesoir this is awesome.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

yes, the armor is a mix of traditional sculpting, pinch, and alpha stamping.

ok, alpha stamping, and then u create with the texture a mask and u resize it and pinch the borthers??? is something like that, explain me the mistery :frowning: each time i see this pieces of art i get smaller and smaller

amazing sir! I really like this and the other pieces of work you have done.

Just wanted to add my little congrats… so well done!! Looks so realistic, those eyes are amazing, well… everything is!! Thanks so much for sharing it with us.


Beautiful craftsmanship. The chainmail looks great as do the rest of the details. :+1:

Seb if that last render alone isn’t worthy of top row and 5 stars I don’t know what is! :wink:


Neat and elaborate! That’s great!

Cool, he came to life, amazing tranformation. Looks like you tweaked the face model aswell?


Fall now, and you fall forever!
:+1: :+1:
great modeling and resembalance to the actor, i always liked the designwork in the flick.

all the best