
Logo Design

Hi everyone, This is a Logo design for a recording studio. I just thought I’d post it. Alphas, Single Layer Brush, Spotlight, and Glow Material. I turned down the Z position on the light to spread the beam out farther than the 4 radius setting would allow. 50.
studio 24.jpg

Well Fity, all I can say is that is awesome… the whole concept and blending-of-colors is also real nice…
keep’em coming:p

Thanks much, Aztec. 'Nother idea in the works. 50.

…rescensious :slight_smile:
PS Maybe the notes of the keyboard must be not “cut” on the sides ?

Congratulations friend¡¡

oh andreseloy how glad I am to see you have made a visit back here. You have chosen a one of my favorite zbrushers to reply to and make yourself known here again which makes this a double pleasure. I do hope mi amigo it’s not a fleeting moment and that we all may benefit once again from your desire and need to create like the rest of us! I for one was very happy to see your name appear again:D .

Hi Frenchy, aminuts, and Andre, thanks for your comments. And Andre, it’s VERY good to see your name again! 50.

Thanks for your kind words you are very generous¡¡

Ah,I can post reply,i am happy

Greetings, xqywsn. Welcome to the forum. Zbrush is a long road of learning. Probably the best way to learn is the tutorials section of the forum, you’ll find the forum jumps at the bottom of the main page. also the Quick Links has tons of how-to information. You can also search for any subject at the top of the page. Have you downloaded the Z2 Practical Guide? All this is much more than I have in my brain, but if you have a specific question I can get you started send me a message, I don’t do the ICQ Stuff. :slight_smile: 50.
