
Liar Liar Pants on Fire : the truth is out!

Well… finally the truth is out : forget about perpetual Licence !
A total disregard of the ZBrush community by Maxon is going to kill on the long run this wonderful software. Many are already doing the switch to Blender… I suggest you all download your copy of ZBrush 2022.0.2 and make backup copies for the future as we are never again goin to get any upgrade for free. I’m very disappointed with pixologic selling out and I can forsee how the community will decline and so the software we all love so dearly. Maxon will kill it just as Adobe has done with Flash after first ruining it completely. It’s just in the nature of these big companies: chew up any small companies producing great software considered dangerous and too competitive for their own product. Buy it and in few months or even few years make it go missing. Bad move Pixologic, and again : Liar Liar Pants on Fire!


A post was merged into an existing topic: Thread Regarding Maxon Transition