
Leonardo Z-Vinci (WIP)

THAT is wonderful!

Methinks DaVinci would like that. I do! :+1:

The last version is the one that really ‘does it’ for me. I wasn’t reallly a fan of the tatoo version myself, but this is really something I like.


el espiritu de leonardo habla por tu mano, colega…

Felicitaciones. Una gran textura. Tengo gusto éste el mejor. :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:
First try with Babel Fish so please forgive me if this makes no sense.

Doh! Thats …just … awesome! Wonderful models and lovely textures…dang…now i feel untalented. Many thanks for sharing this with us.


i agree with the rest, love the last version, realy powerfull texturing!!!
greetingz ever

I spotted this when you first started, it’s come quite a ways, simple awsome… I am impressed. keep going!

great update, saltaP:sunglasses: :+1: :+1:

Great !

Me gusta¡¡


great work with the texture !

congratulations :+1:

that’s nice, very original texturing!

Proporcion Aurea Ampliada.jpg

…of the texts of this image ?

nice work
only crit is the shin looks abnormally bent

Tienes razón fx81. He corregido la pierna y ahora etá mucho mejor.

Pilou: no tengo la traducción, pero creo que dice que ojalá hubiera habido ZBrush en el Renacimiento o algo así.

Proporcion Aurea Ampliada.jpg

You absolutly right! :smiley:
Leonardo would have loved Zb and pushed it to the limit :wink:

Últimos retoques.

Proporcion Aurea.jpg

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