
Learning with Laughing

What I was thinking is that we could share a space for our “Bad” models, or “learning” models, because I am sure we can all relate. I am pretty good at sculpting with the Clay buildup brush. But I had never tried to do a sculpt with the move tool… big lesson. Fun. So much to learn. Anyway, I hope some of our best artist as well as beginners to soft modeling, like me, will share some not so perfect sculpts. We can all laugh together. Thanks


Oooo… a bad models post. I think I can dredge up some learning pains to share.

A very protective “Vampire Chiwawa” ?VampHead01


This is Great ! I love it. In my family of five kids, five competitive Kids, The best compliment we could give to each other, I will give to you. “Hell, I couldn’t do it” thanks for posting. Just Great!

Did you watch our “Shark Boy” Tutorials?! Very happy to see this model!
Keep practicing with the Move Brush, it’s very powerful :smile:

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We need more posts like these! I’m glad that you were able to see the project all the way through. Looks better than my first projects when I was starting out. Keep it up!

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Yes, I did the shark boy tutorial. I was laughing at myself and that’s why I started this page. We should all laugh together… at me.

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I feel better about my attempted at this tutorial. But… It is going to take a long time to learn how to sculpt with expression. And I know that form when I started drawing in my youth. I will get there with practice. The great news is, buy trying to make her hair, I learned how to make dripping ice cream. Brown, dripping ice cream. Thanks Steve James for the lesson. I am so stoked to be a part of this community. !

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What happens when old men don’t sleep.!

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These are all looking really good! I can tell you have the foundations to move you forward. I also drew as a kid. Those fundamentals really carried through to ZBrush - especially the: drawing (perspective helps a lot, painting + anatomy knowledge really go a long way. Also, if you ever want to sculpt along with some of our streamers, you can ask them questions and see how they approach some of these concepts you’re learning.

Leaving this here in case you would like more resources:

Keep goin at it!


Thanks for all your help. I stayed awake again all last night again to work on this. Just like in the olden days when I would paint all night in LA. I am learning so fast right now. I want to put a Navajo blanket pattern

on the papoose. So, I guess I need to learn Texture mapping… Right?

this morning, learning more about painting on clay