
Lady of Naga

First of all thank you all…for reading my post and really honored to be placed in the Top section.

Thank you for your kind comment. Glad you like it.

@Ivo Diependaal:

Thank you. We deliberately chose 2 opposing color themes; hotter tone for the Bronze and the cooler one for the painting. Glad you like them.

Thank you. There will be more in the series. I’ll post more progress here for certain.


As stated in my earlier post, there are many different types of 3D printing machines and services. So far I’ve had a chance to get my models printed by:

1. Offload Studio (http://www.offloadstudios.com/) as using the ZCorp technology

2. Comgraph (http://www.comgraph.co.th/rapidmfg.php)
A local Thai company that sponsored me for the project. This one uses V-Flash (3DSystems)

  1. Applicad (http://www.applicadthai.com/business/solutions/rp-3d-scan)

Another Local Thai company which I was given an honor to do a test print. Was testing with a Dimension printer (result material is ABS plastic).

  1. Another local company which I had a chance to see it printed using Objet. You cna also use http://www.shapeways.com/materials/ with material “White Detial” for this as well.
  2. Foam CNC, Also used a local company, 3D Rapide, for large scale statue.

Glad you like my step-by-step presentation as some of my students were asking me to give a quick run down on the process.

Thank you. Indeed, the Patina work on Bronze by itself is very satisfying step.

Thanks mate. I did record the physical turn, it’s in my camera as well. Will post that when I have a chance to jack it into my computer :smiley:

Thank you, and you are right… the technology is getting better and better. Hopefully the cost will decrease over time. In fact there are some Pre-assembled and Home-assembled 3D Printers out there. You could print the form with these but not as refined.

You may also want to check out

1. Up! 3D Printer (http://pp3dp.com/) The system is around $2690

2. Cubify (http://cubify.com/info/cloud_3d_print.aspx) Cloud 3D Print Service and Machine…sells for about $1300

These are based off the OpenSource 3D Print RepRap (Read here for more info: http://reprap.org/wiki/RepRap)


Thank you. Prior to doing this method, I was spending nearly half a year researching/ reading up, and going around checking and testing various printing technology. I think some of the printing technology is really good…but still cost prohibitive. I think not so far from now, 3D Printing could be a household technology like a toaster.

Thank you. I guess many would want to know about this as I were before I started my journey. Glad I could share this.

Thank you very much. You Trophies look great as well. Really enjoy reading your post. I think doing these kind of things would still take some risks as there are many steps involved… Not to mention many factors contributing to the final products like the method of printing, materials, and the method used for mass producing. But all-in-all we must agree it’s a joy to be able to grab your creation physically :wink:

As for the Bronze, It depends on where you reside or if you can take a trip to Thailand, I could show you my foundry of choice. Of which some of the world’s famous Bronze artists also utilize their service. Again, I think ZBrushCentral is more than just a ZBrush forum…I do come here once or twice a day to get myself inspired. And once in awhile, I’m so happy I could give back to the community.

Awesome work man!! congrats! :+1:

Great work!
Thanks for sharing all the process and info on 3d printing.

Congrats for the top row!

amazing works man! congrats for top row, deserved

Really cool stuff!

stunning work. both the bronze and the painting are superb.

Congratulation my friend ! well deserve :+1:

There’s also this: http://cubify.com/cube/index.aspx

If the price holds this seems like the best hobby solution for price/quality.

@sculptor.zb, @eduardopsf, @Danilo Athayde, @AriesGal1629, @ChemicalBR0, @smeagol:

Thank you very much. Glad you all like it. I was quite excited given a public talk earlier last week at TGS (Thailand Game Show) about ZBrush was such an incredible tool especially with its new plugins that bring abilities to decimate and export STL format. The crowd was very interested in the marriage of the digital and traditional worlds as well.

@koshey: You are right. The price's really reachable now. However the guilt size (Tray) is quite small on this one though. Short Clip of the Physical Turn Table:

By the way, I managed to get this clip off my mobile device. The resolution’s really low though.



Thanks for valuable guidance :sunglasses:. Best of luck for u r exhibition.:+1:

great work. The end result is amazing.

Incredible sculpt! And a wonderful process to get to the bronze sculpture!


Wow… this ties in nicely with 2012 chinese lunar year of the water dragon. Excellent work.

Great work and nice looking print, congratz on the TRplug!!!

Congrats man, I particularly liked the Naga face it’s awesome, Great job :+1:

Absolutely beautifull piece; thanks for showing your inprocess images and for shinning a light on the value of the mannequin tool.

I rarely post on threads here but must say congratulations SSxxx. You’ve bridged both worlds extremely well here. I’m even a little jealous.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

…sculpture and a lot of interesting infos! :sunglasses:

Fantastic work !!!:slight_smile:

Amazing stuff! Love the girl with the dragon sculpture.Intense inspiration:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: