
La Spatule du Futur's SketchBook

So i figured i’d go with a classic Sketchbook thread where i’ll post things…
This will launch my gallery on ZBC.

For starters i’ll go with basic renders from my quick sessions made for my YT Channel. I will surely update the models i like the most with refined versions.

I’m well aware that these first images are way below quality standards of ZBC.
…And i’m ok with that.
…I’m so fierce…

SpatuleFutur SOC 03 SpatuleFutur SOC 04
SpatuleFutur DRK 01 SpatuleFutur DRK 02 SpatuleFutur DRK 03

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Here’s the result of one of the latest quick sessions i did on my YouTube Channel.
Until now, i’ve always started from scratch with nothing prepared.

The goal of these sessions is just to create a general direction, knowing that there would be “real” design process to do if i want to take the model for animation or whatever…