

Here I introduce you to Kvasir! This project was a life changer, I wanted to push myself and learn as much as possible to improve my skills.
The goal is to create a main character for an actual AAA videogame, inspired in Yongs’ concept and Santa Monica Studios’ characters.
I used Zbrush/Maya for High-Res modeling, Maya for LowPoly and Uvs, and Substance Painter for textures.
Render was made in Marmoset 4, and the Background with Quixel Bridge.
I want to thank all my family and the 3DMonkeys who inspired me to try to reach a higher level.
This character was made as my personal project with my mentor Fede.
Thanks for all your support!
You can see the whole process in my Instagram’s stories and don’t forget to follow smiling_face
I’m super happy with the result, I really hope you love it as much as I do!
Thanks for all your support! Check my Artstation post for more caps!


love the attension to detail on this model :slight_smile: great work

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Thanks so much!! :smiley:


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It’s really amazing! I like your work.