
Kraken's Illustrations Thread

What a wonderful thread. I´ve totally missed it.
And congratulations for being in the top10!

Kraken, I love your illustrations, and the storybook style…this stuff really sets you apart from the monsters and wolverine models on ZBC. Great work. :slight_smile:

Wow, those cardinals turned out great. So soft and fluffy. Great illustrations you have going here!

The gnome and snail illustration has been put on hold while I work on a few other illustrations that are actually paying some bills. This latest one is a Nativity scene to be licensed to a client. A quick sketch was done for composition and I started working on some of the parts. This will be pieced together on the canvas then rendered. Too much detail to make everything part of one ZTool.

On most of the parts (mainly the clothing), only the sides that are revealed to the camera will be fully sculpted to save time since this needs to be done by middle next week.




Great modeling !

Great so far! Looking forward to the finished pic :+1: !

aw man that scare crow pic makes me want october and november again…and its not even may! nice job

Nice job Kraken, I’m looking forward to seeing it finished. :slight_smile:

I’l be trying to finish up the nativity in the next couple days. I know it’s not the season yet, but during the weekend, I had to update my old Santa image for the same client. (They are about 6 months behind the actual season for selling.) I think it’s an improvement on the one I did a couple years ago (Shown Here) . I just wish they gave me more time to work up a better face and finish the sack a bit more.

Rendered in ZBrush and comped the same way as the Scarecrow image.


Wow very nice work.
Really like Santa picture, you improved greatly on it.
How on earth are you achieving such nice renders from zbrush ?
Also how are you doing the hair ?

Wonderful !!

Yes how did you do the hair?

That Santa is great! he feels very “Christmassy” if there’s such a word. :slight_smile: and he also looks quite a bit like Coca Cola’s santa, the one they use in their ads on TV.

Good job!

/ Magnus

great ! love the santa !

I like the improvement on the new santa. His pose and hands seem much better. Also the new face seems much more friendly and how santa should look (if that makes sense? :confused:). The render has a nice quality too. And good job on the beard :+1:

big improvement IMHO :slight_smile: Very lovely illustration.

Excellent ! :+1:

Hey mate!

Superb works… and the first birds illustration is outstanding



Thanks guys!

Tommy, the fur was done using ZBrush’s fiber material. The fur in the new image was pulled from my old rendering of the image which used ZBrush 2 fiber material. For some reason, I’m having a hard time rendering the fiber material in ZBrush 3.12. But it might still work for the PC version if you want to try. The material is posted on this thread link toward the bottom of the page.

Kravit, I did a tutorial on my rendering technique a little while ago if you want to take a look at it. Here’s the link to that.

Thanks for the help Kraken

I’ve had some joy bringing in geometry from max using the

Hair/fur modifier. But not as nice as your render

Beautiful work, KrakenCMT!! Really inspiring!:+1: …and thanks for the materials and tutorial.:slight_smile: