
KP Sketchs (more pics Pg 19)

Who did the 3D printing on your model? It looks amazing!

amazing monster:+1: :+1: :+1:

Sorry! Totally forgot to mention the printer haha. It was done by Ownage.com :smiley:

great 3d print, wish I had one for my fish tank

Gorgeous design and pose!

Awesome artwork!I want more creatures please! They look fantastic!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

love it!

This piece is awesome!! Good job.

is this by hand ?

That looks great! I’ve been curious to see this beastie printed out. Turned out really well. Great work, and a wonderfully unique creature.
When you say printing process, do you mean that this pictured print is just a “test pass”, so to speak?
Thanks for sharing. This is so cool to see. :slight_smile:


Wicked awesome!! Really came out great Kurt! Ownage did a great job on the print, nice to see a lot of the details carried over.

Wow! that came out looking great didn’t it? I was worried about the weight
on the one leg and the balance of it if it.

Hey all! Just updating with some progress shots of the Hydrodon kit. He’s all chopped up and ready to be molded.

Also, thank you all for the awesome feedback! It’s cool to know people are liking this guy as he slowly comes to life haha.

x8x1993 - It was sculpted in Zbrush and printed by ownage :]

countrikula - Thanks! No this print is the one and only print being done. With it molds will be made and those will be made into resin casts to be sold as kits.


That came out really sexy!! I want to see it all set up and stuff!


That is a bad ass model man. Such a dynamic pose! Great job!

Design and pose are fantastic!

Sweet sculpt!

Best regards,

That is very cool! I am looking to get into this very thing and am curious as to how exactly you cut it up and added the pegs to the joints.
