
KP Sketchs (more pics Pg 19)

awesome man !

really nice.

great pose and interesting stuff!

wat mat you use bro?

Great models. Really cool design! please share some of your talent man! hehe:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Very nice creature design. Well modeled and a great dynamic pose. :+1:

Hey all! Thank you so much for the kind words and support. I’m glad you guys are diggin my stuff.

Here is an update on the Hydrodon. For the most part I feel hes all wrapped up for now. :] I'll keep everyone updated on the resin kit that should be available soon :D Thanks all!




Excellent sea creature!

Would be cool if it had some things growing on it like barnacles and stuff that would make it really camouflaged.

love that you’ve kept such a clay feel to the sculpt, makes him (her? :)) look like a real bottom feeder

Said it before, love that effortless pose… great piece! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Just amazing!!!
I like the overall design, I don’t like the part in the middle of rear legs, it looks a bit “going out”, but it’s a very impressive creature, the head is marvellous!
I like the details you put on skin too like big scales and horns here and there.

oh wow …this is really a cool creature and a great pose…:+1:

Would you please, please, paint it???, Its really a great sculpting job. So natural, so real. Congrats, man. :+1: :+1:

Great work! I really like this creature, the design, the pose, and I like the materials you used to display him. :+1:

Fantastic sculpts, makes me want to get into zbrush and model! Good stuff, anatomy looks ace and the details help give the piece depth!

Very nice creature, has a great poise and weight to it, so it really feels like a large amphibious creature going through the water. The details are looking sweet too, look forward to seeing more!! :+1:

Is that some kind of Godzilla ? Nice work !

love how you handled the scales, look great

Hey all!

Thank you so much for the awesome feedback! I thought I would share with you the printing progress shots :smiley: Soon to be available as resin kits through The Creature Lab.

I’ll upload more shots of him as he gets closer to being finished ^^



Very dynamic pose. Really feels underwater! Great stuff :slight_smile:

Simply Awesome, love the details on his face :slight_smile: