
k0c0s - sketchbook

thanks a lot for that spine workflow.
the video you posted on page 1 where can i find music like that?

BeRad - thanks! Yes it’s all dynamesh, you’re right about the silhouette, thanks for the feedback.
pabgo - glad you found it useful, the music is called ‘lustmord’

Trying new things out with dynamesh, malebody sketch:


Timelapse vid:



wow making me jealous

great work! i really like how you block out the proportions! can you please share the UI and expecially the PINCH MUSCLE brush? I was crazy about finding it!!!

my e-mail: eidan78@gmail.com

I was just thinking that. Wonderful study :+1:

Stunning stuff!:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

your gallery should say “for the definition of awesome…” DUDE! great work :smiley:

pabgo, Framedworld, wasiq_haris, digitalmind - Thanks a lot for the kind words guys!

Eidan - Thanks, Here’s a link to my Ui: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17153647/zbui/CustomUserInterface4R2.cfg
You can make the “pinchmuscle brush” easily just set the brush modifier on the pinch brush to 30 or so and add the dam standard alpha.

thanks a ton!!!

My Jack for the Cgfeedback mini challenge.
Wish I had more time to put into it but I learned a lot and it was a lot of fun to sculpt this one.


Great sculpt.
Young Nicholson are the best.:+1:

Cool thread! :+1:

Awesome Nicholson!

Thanks a lot guys!

great likeness on a younger Nicholson version:)
spectacular!!! as well as your other works in this thread:+1:

Thanks very much!

Here’s my latest wip. c&c are always welcome.dudewip.jpg

Very very crisp anatomy going on here!:+1:
Really nice work k0c0, fantastic!
Looking forward to your further update,

  • Kenny

Thanks Kenny!