
Johnny Depp

Well done on another great piece of work. A really good likeness. I’m not sure if I like the black & white image. It looked good for Keith, but that’s just personal preference. Friggin awesome other than that :+1:

Thanks a lot for your kind words and feedback fellas! Much appreciated :slight_smile:

Another great piece Jelmer. :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: imho. Thanks for sharing some workflow details!

WOW Jelmer… this is amazing work dude! Congrats! The likeness is awesome and the render is great… I love the black and white photo feel.
Good job!:+1:

Very nice work, the details are top notch. I love that you added the fuz to the hat, nice touch…:+1:

You deserve top bein the top row.


Did you pull the details off a 2k or 4k color map? I just upgraded my system to 9gigs of RAM (coming from 2G)… so I’m looking forward to pulling details like this out of photos…
Anyway, awesome work my friend…

wow :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Hi Jelmer … great job. This really is the Johnny Deep. I follow your work and are a source of inspiration for me.:+1:

That is incredible! Very lifelike! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Great portrait!!

I think is not necessary to say: “perfect”… there is no need words

All the best friend

Victor Marin
Ilusion Digital

Holy cow…thats the most sensitive and intense character study Ive ever seen on this forum …or any other for that matter. Incredible work.

edit: just saw the usual crit where a couple have chimed in about “not” being perfect based on photographs they have…Jeeeeze…when are these peaple going to realise that beauty is flawed…and…that they should quit zbrush and just go buy a good camera. To deliver the image you did took a degree of awareness that Ive only ever seen Monstermaker demonstrate in his observations.


simply stunning

The model’s turned out very well, my compliments…

The mesh is pretty clean, did you plan to rig and do a facial animation?


Amazing…!! Very realistic. Congrats!!..:+1:

great job. amazing work

great sculpt, but it doesnt look much like johnny depp. more like an asian boxer.

I think you can capture the essence and not do it photo-real, but imo the part of the essence is missing here. That’s exclusively me, I have my own perception of Johnny and this is not it. I’m not forcing noone what to do or not do.

Great job man!maximum use of quality texture and talent.
Good Luck !But I really wish that Zbrush can not only help making the still image but used in animated projects more one day.