
Joe Menna Toy and Collectible Sculpts

Digitally sculpted for Gentle Giant, Ltd… Star Wars Animated Scout Trooper (Ewoks Attack).
All images and characters copyright by their respective owners and used for portfolio purposes only.


Great thread! Stellar work as usual.
The ewoks are great! Very nice stylization too (really showcases your diversity)
JarJar also looks great (too bad he’s jarjar though :wink: )


This came out great!

Ha! Awesome!

very cool and also clean sculpt! i like it! nice work

The good folks at DC Collectibles have posted a video of me digitally sculpting a new action figure for them…the New 52 version of Lex Luthor as drawn by Mr. Tony Daniel…incredibly fun gig! http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2013/06/26/dc-collectibles-a-look-at-digital-sculpting

You rock Joe! Love that matcap you’re using.

Maul-close-up.jpg Maul-front.jpg Maul-side.jpg Maul-side-2.jpg Maul-back.jpg Maul-close-up2.jpg Darth Maul Spider Cyborg digitally sculpted for Gentle Giant ltd. All images and characters copyright by their respective owners and used for portfolio purposes only.

Gorgeous work as always! :+1:

this is as i said before Awesome man!great piece of artwork:)

great model! i am the dude that modeled the original for clone wars. too bad he wasnt emaciated. Got it chillin on desk at home. Best thing gentle giant has done if you ask me!!

THANKS!!! Means a lot. I’m a HUUUGE SW geek, Jedi Order ink on my arm and all :wink: This was a grail gig for me. GG did the art directing and it is one of my all time favorite projects.

Webhead and Mohammad…thanks :slight_smile:

Hi JM,I wonder if I could ask; that video was very fast, perhaps too fast but are you working with dynamesh shapes to make Lex? if so do you have to retopologise when done due to poly-count density at all? I’d love to get a more in-depth explanation on the process and what is needed for 3d printing. many thanks. :+1:


Looking Good! Could you explain your process for scribing the lines on Maul’s face? Thanks in advance Joe.

Tim, I use dynamesh constantly in tandem with Zremesher. I’ll keep dynameshing my base model as I go along and sculpt whatever I need to, then once it gets to a certain point retoplogize via Zremesher and then transfer the details to the new mesh from a copy via projection.I’ll do this with single subtools, combined subtools, assemblies, the whole thing.

Thanks :slight_smile: Simply scribe them in with the standard brush…but I do map out all of the patterns on an layer via polypainting…then turn down the opacity via the layer slider…do that a lot when sculpting armor, too etc …to map out where I’m going before adding details, etc. Have a new character I did for another client just now where I mapped out layers of padded costume using the same method.SUPER SIMPLE. I use zbrush in the most basic ways imagineable…I look at it like a game…“what’s the quickest way for me to do this without compromising quality but rather to even improve the quality?” The more quickly I can cruise through certain procedures, the more time I have to explore new techniques.I pretty much have no down time for personal work or downtime so I am constantly trying to figure out new stuff on the fly.I never do two projects the same way and am always, always learning


Thanks for the info Joe!:slight_smile: