
Jinx Gumayusi _ SKT T1

Hello everyone, this is BH3D coming to you another day, showing another
3D modeling/3D printing work!
Today, we are here to show you the 3D sculpting
of SKT T1 Player Gumayusi!

SKT T1 Player Gumayusi!

He is the ADC of the group, he is known for his aggressive playstyle, where he also changes to a proactive playstyle.

3D Sclulpting

He often looks for opportunities to engage and apply pressure in the laning phase, aiming to gain the advantage, and lead their team to victory!

3D Sculpting Details with angles

In the 3D modeling part, we took the concept and applied to its fullest, some alteration needs to be made in order for it to be a figurine material!


The details of the fishbone, and Pow-pow were also focused on making this model, the key essential weapons that can’t be ignored when making a good 3D model, and a good figurine!

360 view of the model

The character of Jinx is also blended in with this 3D modeling as well, where our dear Guhmiyusa is riding the rocket to aim down at his enemy.

Concept of the model


Finished model!

T1_65 T1_62 T1_70 T1_61
The painting was done in a way where the model does glow, and the flames on the rocket, and the clear resins on the flame particle make it look like the real flame, which just makes the model looks more like the real stuff!

For more info about us on 3D modeling and more 3D sculpting and figurines.
BH3D 3Dprintings-


If you want us to visit and check out other websites or artworks, we have tons of them here!
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