
Is there a way to turn off the "slimming" function after placing an IMM?

I just want to adjust the overall size of the imm back and forth, instead of this weird scaling functionality when you drag your mouse backwards after initially placing the imm down. Does anyone know if there’s a way to change this behavior?

Hello @Resplendency

I think the only two options you have is use Scale (E) to size it after you draw it out or pressing Ctrl when you draw it out will snap it to the brush size.

Oh, I guess scaling it afterwards isn’t a terrible option, though it could misalign the object if it were projected onto a complicated surface.

To adjust the overall size of the IMM without the scaling functionality in ZBrush, you can try using transform tools like scaling or numerical input for more precise adjustments. Alternatively, check if there are any custom scripts or plugins available that offer additional control over IMM placement and sizing.

Where does one go to find custom scrips and add-ons?