
Is there a way to eliminate the Auto-save splash message?

Using ZBrush 2020.1.1

I like keeping Auto-save active. :grinning:I don’t like seeing a splash screen every time it sets in. I find it graphically obtrusive. :anguished:


Is there a way to disable the splash message, but still keep auto-save active?

I’m unaware of any. Performing any operations or even navigation during an auto save is a good way to crash your session or corrupt your file, though. I’d want it up for any files that are large enough for that message to actually last more than a fraction of a second, if one chooses to work with this feature enabled.

If you’d like to make a feature request, they should be submitted directly to Pixologic Support via ticket.

Thank you.

Didn’t realize the splash screen is a useful feature.: as if ZBrush was saying: ‘give me a moment’.

Will submit a ticket… would be nice if it were half as large.