
*** Introducing GoZ

Fantastic preview! First Decimation Master and 3D Print Exporter, now you show us GoZbrush? August can’t come soon enough!

Wow that’s a stellar application! And…is that the voice of who I think it is?? ;):cool:

Have to say, I’ve been working with reprojection from one tool to another with different topology for the last 6 months and it’s pretty unintuitive - the results for projecting from polys resting on one another is poor at best, requiring a lot of clean-up, especially eye sockets! This definitely appears to make that process much simpler.

One question I would appreciate answered - will GoZ support the addition of faces OUTSIDE the exisiting shell, eg. extruded faces along an open edge? Say I started with a head and neck, but I want to turn it into a bust so I need to extrude extra geometry below the neck, will GoZ support that? Certainly would be cool if it could.

where’s the 3dsmax 2010 version…coming soon i hope seeing as it’s the biggest installed/commercially used 3d app on planet earth!

Thats interesting to know !!!

ahh i ‘get’ why the list maya, modo and cinema4d…they’re ALL mac osx apps!

Looks great. Congrats for all pixologic team.

WOO0OO0OO0O0O0O0OW … I can’t say more than that - sorry :smiley:

amazing! this is how easy things should be! i’m really happy to see modo as a part of GoZbrush!

Impressive preview, can’t wait to test it :slight_smile:

This looks great! But a couple questions

Can you add geometry like say extrusions, or can you only edit topology and it is basically a re projection?

Also A BILLION POLYS??? Is this with HD geometry or actual subdivisions? I am curios about this mostly, I just cant wait until I can subdivide it way higher than I would ever need, and without using HD geometry.

Looking forward to the release.

:eek: wow…this sounds like a very awesome thing to have indeed

Yeah I was amazed by the june release as well. Are they going to update the 3.12b version? Who knows…

Seriously you guys rock!!! Its like everyday, something new comes out, I also want to just stay on this page till tomorrow…lol.


Wow, this is just awesome. The fact that topology can change mid sculpt is just incredible. Point order has always been the achilles heal of zbrush.This could definately be a key peice if not the hub of a character pipeline. Great work.

I’m so excited! Can’t wait to test it!
Pixologic just rocks! :slight_smile:

Hopefully that GoZ function will be avaiable to 3rd party programmers so not only the big autodesk products will be able to benefit from it.

Great news! Can’t wait to try it out from Modo to Zbrush.

Waiting to get my hands on that to test the Cinema 4D - ZBrush pipeline! Cool news indeed.
