
inside a zsphere

hey hey M , its goz that causes all kinds of problems with regard to scale and such, if i am working in maya and my scene gets larger and i try to sculpt something in ZB with goz ,( i use that because of world space) the tool gets put in area right on the limit of the camera in ZB. Or i can export maually but you have to freeze transforms because the postion of the object goes to center space on the grid ,which is ok if you want to use zspheres with rotary symmetry on, but annoying when you go to import the tool maually back into maya because you will have to move it back into its original postion, which i can tell you is a nightmare… it just wont go into the EXACT place.!!:smiley:

any HOO…:smiley:

heres a few renders from last nite… no smoke ,atmo yet as that takes longer to set up … still testing …







looking at your artworks is perfect for a trip :slight_smile: … fantastic and original. I think you should increase the psychedelic side of your creation

:smiley: pass the TAB then.!! :smiley:

thanks man. bizarrely i have been criticized in the past for being TOO glowy and fluro… too many 3 day festivals over the course of my life has probably contributed to that !!

heres another quicky ,

pod1 copy.jpg

Love the glowing/emissive quality to your “cellular” type works here man! I assume you’re rendering in something like Maya/Marmoset/V-Ray/Keyshot, etc?
We NEED to collectively get on pixologic about adding “Emissive Materials” to Zbrush already! :wink: It’s one of the few things it lacks render-wise. That and accurate “Caustics.”

We have that already but only in Best Render mode (not BPR).
I have been told to use BPR filters for glow, fog and Depth Cue, but it simply does not look right, it looks forced.
I have seen fog that worked ok and even sort of got it to work a little my self but all in all I have to agree.
Now I do have a questions: What are caustics?

Also being able to make an object be a light would be nice.

caustics are what you see in the bottom of a swimming pool when the sun is out…

would it be possiable to make a “glow” by using transparent fibers all over the subtool? i will give that a try…

if you like glowy stuff heres an old animation i made a few years back… its not really finished (maybe someday)… http://vimeo.com/22422170

oww and thanks…! :smiley:

HHeeey Hey…

Yet Another render :

Ravine_Hi_rez_1 copy.jpg


thank you very much M… ! i will try your method out … and give an update …:smiley:

hey hay hey… just one more…!! 20hr render






Thats awesome, but 20 hours?!?!?!?!
How can you wait that long?
I would go crazy!
Is it because of Maya?

Great works, and really inspiring…
great visualisation…

maya can be funny sometimes… too many raytrace shadows and… bang… massive render times… plus i think my computer is getting tired…!!

hey hey… just another escapade into the insert mesh brush…!!


thanks for lookin…



When I see your work, I always instantly want to break out Spore and play it again. Very fun!

Beautifull like always.
would love to see a SF movie in this style.
Would be far more interseting then Prometheus.

Wow, now I know what’s inside a zsphere! It looks a bit undercooked but I like it, it’s very cool.

welcome back tyrellcorp…nice work as usual very hallucinated :wink: