
Imperial reach

After watching Dune I wanted to try and take a crack at creating my own dune-esque looking space ships. I wanted them to sort of feel somewhat alive, almost like ancient creatures that humans use for interstellar travel.

I have a workflow inside zbrush to create greeble, but it’s always been a bit tricky getting the mesh and details to translate over to other 3d packages, so there was a lot of tinkering to get everything set up. Was a lot of fun putting this all together. Used World Creator for the landscape mesh, Vray for renders. Cheers!


Oh, love the shapes! A cross between Geiger and Chriss Foss!

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thanks!! was definitely the look I was after!

Love it! Nice organic feel to the craft and nice job with the surface detail. :+1: Feels like a 70s prog rock album cover :sunglasses:

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appreciate it! I do love 70s prog rock, so it tracks :joy: