
IClose in 2021.1.1

While testing existing plugins in the new ZBrush version, I’m noticing that my plugin control plugins (used to close and re-load plugins during development), are no longer working. It appears that [IClose] is not working as expected. Has it changed, or is there a known issue ATM?

Unsure if it’s related, but while developing, I’m finding that ZFU DLL calls no longer work after a plugin is re-loaded through the ZScript menu (which is what I’m doing since the control plugin no longer can close and reopen fresh).

I’m finding that I have to restart the entire application and re-load my plugin to test latest changes. Has anyone else ran into this? Any workarounds? Thanks!


as you could see from my post i have the same problem with iClose. Did not find a way to solve this yet. Nevertheless i cannot confirm problems with the ZFU Dll. I am working on a batch/importer exporter and use the ZFU dll to read folders and stuff. Not sure if this helps but i used the ZFU example code provided by pixologic (as i’m entirely new to scripting) and just added my stuff to it. As iclose is not working i still develop in tutorial view. But when i reload the script in zscript menu everything works fine and i can see my changes.

I had reported that issue with Iclose, on discord and support ticket, and it a known issue, it should be fixed in the next update. Note it 's still broken in 2021.1.2.