
I have multiple if conditions

I have multiple if conditions.
if SDiv=1,[ISet,Tool:Geometry:P.Loops,1]
if SDiv=2,[ISet,Tool:Geometry:P.Loops,2]
if SDiv=3,[ISet,Tool:Geometry:P.Loops,4]
if SDiv=4,[ISet,Tool:Geometry:P.Loops,8]
How to write this?
I’ll just say this, the code is not executed correctly.


Thank you for your answer,
I have encountered new problems, and I don’t know why.
This can only be used once, and the value of [ISet,Tool:Geometry:P.Loops] will not change the second time. I don’t know why.

Without knowing what you are trying to do I can’t say why the code is failing. If the subdivision level is changed and the code run again then it works for me.

Thank you, I have passed some tests to solve it.

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