
Human Face (WIP)

Hi everyone,

I consider myself i major noob in zbrush. Have been playing around with it ocasionally and now i have more time to spend on it.

This is the first sculpt that i got to a point that i can do some fine details. The others i never tried to finish.

Didn’t do the ears and neck yet, might do that at another time. Ill keep updating here if i make any changes…

I would really apreciate some coments on it ok?

Thanks a lot!

ZBrush Document7.jpg

Hi marcellonetto! Great to see you dipping your fingers not only into ZBrush but into the community as well. You sculpt actually looks pretty good as a base.

It looks, as you said unfinished. He has nice prominant features. It looks like he needs a little extra character to give him that kick though.

Look forward to seeing the next update.

Yeah, i know what u mean…

However i get really scared of messing things up…

Ill try the ear/neck part first, then ill try to work on some “unique” features.

Thanks man, i love doing this despite the fact that im no good hehe.


Certainly a nice start. Its kind of natural to avoid ears, I know I did this at first, but if you can hold your self back from detailing, do so untill you have realy refined the head, and completed the ears.

You may have not concidered the ears on the base geomtry for having edge loops, but you can still add some. If the lowest sub d level is fairly low, then its easyer to add these loops and build some mass quicker.

Now for some quick crits.

1: When the eyes are shut the eye lid does not meet in the middle, but rather the top eye lid moves down to the lower lid.

2: Help the sternom mastoid muscle show by taking it from under the ear, this realy helps get that V shape needed. http://www.audiologyonline.com/management/uploads/articles/ackley_fig2.gif

Just keep working on it andlooking at loads of refferences.

marcellonetto, one of the best ways to improve on your work is to not be scared and be bold. Try new things, new brushes. Do something you wouldn’t normally do and see what the result is.

I found a really nice way of improving is set your intensity up a little higher then you normally would, do some hard core sculpting for about an hour, then chuck what you’ve done and give it another go the next day. It might not be the same for everyone but it really helped me be loose and try new things. More importantly, not afraid to try and go to that next step, because if it doesn’t work, then you go back to your previous save.

Hey guys, thanks a lot for your replies and comments… its really important to me.

I had my girlfriend home for the weekend so i did only a few changes to the model.

I’ve changed some features and added the neck part to this new update (also started the ears)

Tez the muscle ur talking about is the cheek bone?

I would be glad to see new comments on this.

Thanks a lot




Tez the muscle ur talking about is the cheek bone?

I was talking about the Sternomastoid, not shure I understand what your saying?

Oh yeah, the neck one :smiley: i tought u were talking abou the zygomatic lol.

Ill look into that!

Btw, check the last update, do you think it looks better now?

:smiley: ahh makes sence now. I think the last one looks alot better on the neck. I would maybe work on the overal proportions of the head. Generaly the width of the eye is width between the eyes. The best way for me to help further would be to manipulate your picture in Photoshop.

Keep going at it.

Oh thanks a lot Tez… feel free to do w/e u want ^^ hehe…

Ill fix the eye in the next update.

Here is a quick liquify job in Phoshop. Dont want to pull it about too much though. There alot of different shapes and sizes regarding peoples heads, unless its intentional to be stylized, or a certain cartoon look, then its best to keep within some boundrys of anatomical form. I would still make the eyes alot smaller.

head front somone elses.jpg