
Howitzer 203mm

Freaking sweet! well done:+1:


any chance of sharing your work flow ? i am about to start a hard surface project i would like to know your insights in getting a nice looking model (like yours.!!) :smiley:

What I do first is to use basic primitives, I use “clip brushes” to make the cuts I need, so if I need to do more complex things convert the “subtools” in “Dynamesh” and realize what I need. After finishing each subtool I apply “Decimation master” to reduce the amount of polygons and make the model more manageable and less dense and heavy.
I do this process for each and every one of the subtools I’m doing.

thank you dude…

i found that if you convert a dynamesh back into a normal subtool and then use decimation master and then convert it back to dynamesh it ends up with the same amount of polys as when you started … is that normal?

This thing has come a long way. Good work!

You must not pass to dynamesh after decimation.

Decimation should be the last step, maybe you need to make some cuts as much, but you should not go to “Dynamesh” again.

great hardsurface sculpting, this howitzer comes out just great man! Really fantastic job!
Great seeing work like this:+1: Looking forward to more buddy!

  • Kenny:)

Thanks man! :slight_smile:

A small and needed mechanical correction.



Top Row material my friend… TOP ROW. :slight_smile:

Thanks my friend! :slight_smile:

Well, I finally finished the last piece of the Howitzer … I think I will drink something … XD




Here a preliminary pictures of the views of my model.
Maybe I do something better later with more calm.

Great work, it’s very good hardsurface work. my only crit, is that the texture makes it look more like stone. I’m not sure if that’s what you intended… on one hand it kind of looks ok, on the other hand it strikes me as being a little out of place.

Thanks!, Yes, this is a draft final version, I have yet to be corrected things. (Sorry about my english)

Excellent work:+1:

Thanks. :slight_smile:

crazy good!