
How to get each Nano mesh to Dynamic Subdiv?

How to get each Nano mesh to Dynamic Subdiv?

The Mesh that has “Insert NanoMesh” is using Dynamic SubDiv.
The NanoMesh Itself does not display with Dynamic SubDiv but will when in edit mode.

Selecting: Edit Mesh> Turn on Dynamic SubDiv looks correct. but after edit, it is low poly no Dynamic SubDiv.
Tried on Index 0 and Index 1

Hi Sadicus
You’re not doing anything wrong. Unfortunately it’s designed this way. I asked the devs about it at some point and learned that it’s not possible.
I’d love to see it working with Dynamic Subdivisions as well.


Good to know!
Looks like the subTool needs to subdivisions before converting it to NanoMesh.
Here is what I’m doing now: Subdivide> Decimate> make NanoMesh