
How can I integrate the polysphere (in the lightbox) in the standard tools

Hello Community,

Is it possible to integrate the polysphere (in the lightbox) in the standard tools?

I would like to use this kind of sphere more often in a project, in several subtools.
How can I integrate/call the polysphere in my project?

Thanks for your answers!

Hello Fae,

If you start your project in the file that contains this sphere, you can copy the tool with either the Tool> Copy and Paste, or Clone functions, and then either append or insert that tool into any other tool as desired.

To import it into other projects, open the ZPR file that contains the sphere and export it (Tool> export) as an obj file. You can then import it into any other scene with the Tool> import function, and append or insert as above. Be sure to select the default polymesh3d star as an import target while importing, to make sure the scale is correct and to avoid overwriting another subtool.

Good luck!

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oh thank you for the quick answer!

I will try this out! :slightly_smiling_face: