
Holdeen's Max - Real Time

I really like your model, amazing, and thanks for sharing the videos.

Very inspiring Gilberto! Thanks for sharing your workflow with us :slight_smile:

Awesome Work :+1:Thanks for sharing the workflow :smiley:

Awesome project! Very inspiring! :slight_smile:

Well done dude, really one of the coolest characters I’ve seen this year. All round great work, from modeling all the way to presentation. Hats off to you…:+1:

Incredible work, everything about it is just perfect! And thanks for sharing part of your workflow.

TRULY BEAUTIFUL! I love that you show the movie how you plot out the design using the masking tool, drawing out then subtracting till you get what you want. Very helpful… and inspirational.

Thanks a lot for the video. It’s very instructive :slight_smile:

Great character and render!

a small question, at 1:00 in your video, you do a bpr and it renders your charcter and ALSO the snapshots that you took on the document.

When i take snapshots ( the Shift+S command, not quite sure if its really called snapsoht) and the i run a BPR it usually render my model only and erase the Snapshots on my document.

Is there a setting that i need to change to do them all at the same time like you did?


Gilberto- 1 word! WOW…That character is amazing, I freaking LOVE the Shield! Only hope one day i’ll be able to process art like that. Continue the great work.


Congrats for top row. i love your work i think it’s very cool and concept and design is really amazing.
great , Good luck :+1:

Congrats for the top row!! BTW thanks for the video :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Congrats! I wondered what was taking so long. Beautiful work.

Congrats on top row dude! Well deserved! Brazilian’s power man!

Hey, great sculpt, but I now wonder how many million polygons in high res model

Badassery. Well deserved top row. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

WOW i like the way you handle the damege of the metal after watch your youtube .Nice work !:+1:

really great character !!!, Inspirational stuff… !!!

very cool character

Terrific! Love the texture!