

thx you very much you have confirmed what i imagined, usually i use a doc size of 5/6000 px approximately too (depending on the image naturally). Thx also for the link, maybe i’ll try to contact them or anyway find some fornitures here in Rome that offers the same quality. Do you have ever tried the maxresize plug in ? It is cool for rendering and exporting big documents (12000 px wide) without working necessarly on a big canvass. Link: http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?94752-Useful-small-ZScripts-and-Macros-for-ZBrush-4-amp-4R3&p=940005&viewfull=1#post940005
Best regards and keep on posting Alex.:+1:

ZBrush 4R5 CS5 2013

I thank Joe Black http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?164995 for the provided Human Skeleton IMM brush


This is utterly perfect Gutalin.

Fantastic Alex, as always precious work.

great job
always the same mystery
thanks for sharing your talent:+1:

Amazing works!
Always a pleasure

what an atmosphere in all these works.
beautifull stuff

grtz p

Thank you my friends!

I increasingly think that the atmosphere is the main thing …

I feel his ribs should be broken