
Help saving files with zscript

Trying to get into using Strings but having trouble. I know that I can use “ZBRUSH_Zmovies\filename.mpg” in the FileNameSetNext command, to save to the Pixologic\zbrush(currentversion)\Zmovies folder, but what if I want to back up a couple folders and save in the pixologic folder? Is that possible? The reason is that I want Adobe Media Encoder to watch a specific folder and if I update to a new version of zbrush, I don’t want to have to change the watched folder every time. If this isn’t possible, I’ll accept it and just put it in ZBRUSH_Zmovies like I have been.

The second problem I’m having is that I want the user to be able to put in a custom file name, but not have to navigate to any folders. So for that I have this:

[varset,vidname,[StrAsk, “Turntable”, “Please enter a file name”]]

to get the name of the file. Then I tried to save it to a specific folder with the name the user inputs like this:

[FileNameSetNext,[StrMerge, “ZBRUSH_Zmovies”, [vidname], “.mpg”]]

and it puts a file in the right place, but instead of using the name from the StrAsk, it saves the filename as “[vidname].mpg”

what am I doing wrong?


Hi @ryankittleson

On your first problem, you should just not use the ZBrush installation directory, as you use a script why not to use a different location ? About Adobe media encoder I don’t know, I don’t use it.

Now about the second problem its just that when you call the variable the brackets are not necessary.

[varset,vidname,[StrAsk, “Turntable”, “Please enter a file name”]]
[FileNameSetNext,[StrMerge, “ZBRUSH_Zmovies”, vidname, “.mpg”]]
[IPress, "Movie:Export"]

Hope it Helps!

Ah! I knew it was some kind of thing with quotes or brackets. works great now. thanks!