
Gypsy Child

Hi everyone, I had posted this before but my account got deleted, so I am posting it again since I want to start fresh and be able to share my art in this amazing platform too.

This is a portrait study I did, based on a photograph by Stefano Migliori.

I’ve always been looking around here and inspiring myself, so I decided that now I am ready to join the community and this feels like a great piece to be the first one I am publishing here.

Sculpted and rendered with Zbrush.
I used Texture xyz for the skin texture base in Mari and then added more detail back in Zbrush.

Same with the garments, base done with Marvelous designer and then finished in zbrush.

I learnt a lot from this piece.

Final Render Comp:

Lights Breakdown

Thanks a lot!


Love this! Her face under the different lights is awesome. Reminds me of Philippe Faraut sculptures. :+1:

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Well done.Good sculpt…!

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amazing, good job :clap:t3:

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Well, that’s just gorgeous. Wonderful work!

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Me la alegra que gente como tú diga sus motivos y demas, yo tambien entro siempre aqui a Zbrushcentral para buscar inspiracion, para no rendirme y poder un dia hacer cosas MARAVILLOSAS como tú trabajo :smiley: , vaya que no es nada facil llegar hasta ahi pero con mucho esfuerzo, dedicacion todo se puede lograr :slight_smile: , espero un dia poder hacer lo mismo, poder compartir mi trabajo para poder inspirar a gente y que no pierda los animos, antes tú buscabas inspiracion, ahora inspiras a gente como yo :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much Jaime!

Muchas gracias por tus palabras David! La verdad es que cada día hay más gente mostrando trabajos increíbles e inspirando en esta industria. Es un camino largo y aún me falta mucho, pero lo importante es seguir haciéndolo porque vale la pena :). Saludos!

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