
GuzzSoares Sketchbook (Breakdown Pg.10)

incredible sculpts!! Im a fan!

amazing stuff GUZ… Really good interpretations. Love them

The first time I stopped by I only noticed that one page, but now after going through the whole thread I must say, awesome work! very nicely executed!

this is awesome in so many levels: expression, style & execution (I love the “carved surface look”)
the rendering is the cream on top of it to look like you took some pictures after you sculpted some
great characters and washed your hands to clean the clay from your fingers…

top notch!

great job as always.congrats for the top row.keep it up.:wink:

Awesome work! Love the character in each one.

Thanks guys, you are awesome!!!

Daily Sketch - Flapjack15.jpg

Awesome work, I especially like the material you use.

Thanks!! :smiley:

Any chance you could post a breakdown of your vray workflow, lighting, settings, etc?

haha. Great renders, I really dig that Mario.

Nice work!!!

Thanks guys!! I’ll post some breakdown soon. :slight_smile:

Daily Sketch - Lord Voldemort / You know who (Harry Potter)

:+1:Love your style… Very cool!

Thanks!! :smiley:

Hey, these look like real wood carvings so wonderfully sculpted.
Really cool clay shader which almost tricked my eyes. Digital or not?
Thanks for posting your imagination creation.


Daily Sketch - Lazy Day (concept by Scotland D. Barnes)LazyDay2.jpg

All of these are great, but this last guy really works for me! I sure can relate. Beautiful clean renders, too.

Really nice :slight_smile: Look forward to seeing some break downs :slight_smile: