
guan guan

have to agree… I love the gloves though :slight_smile:

Hi. I like the skin a lot. great work overall. congrats for the top row :+1:
It would be nice if you can share the renders settings used
in mental ray :slight_smile:

Fantastic job ! Congrats…:slight_smile: My lady I am on the way. :lol:

The hands are incredible! Very nice!

very very very nice. Well done with the render its fantastic.

Thanks for sharing your workflow.

:smiley: :+1:


Well…wow what a fantastic render…Awesome man.

plz share ur render process…

i shall be gratefull to you


THANX 4 SHARING THIS AMAZING TUTO with us…bt could u explain some hair techniques. how did u create hairs in max…

thanx again

Amazing work man! Keep it up! :+1:

Absolutely stunning…:smiley:

wooww, the rendering is impressive :smiley:

how much time did you spend in photoshop for the postwork? did you use phototextures? the skin structure looks like a photo but the diffusemap which you have shown looks very handpainted. And can you post some more zbrush screenshots with another material, like the gray matcap? the red zbrush material is disturbing the forms a lot :confused:

Congrats on top row! She looks awesome. Very nice sculpt and render :+1:

top row definatlyy amazin wrk

could u tell me hoe did u hv done da hairs?? nd wic render did u used? :+1:

Very nice! Love the overall image, in particular the folds on the dress, amazing realism you’ve achieved there. :slight_smile:

Looks great. Does not appear to have much Zbrush work though.

hey thanks again everybody!
i spend around 2 days in photoshop for the postfile and i just used phototexture for the face
the others have not use.about hair i used max hair and fur,i made i lot of line to control the hair style.i have not create the scalp,just made hair and fur on the line.
here some info

guan guan hair.jpgguan guan MR.jpgguan guan ZB.jpg


guan guan hair.jpg

guan guan ZB.jpg

beautiful rendering!!!

excellent sculpting on the gloves!
i have to admit, the final render is convincing, photorealism!

yeah, not much zbrush really at all. I mean, even the wrinkles in the face and couch seem to modeled in max. No big deal though. Just tools! Could have saved yourself some modeling time by just sculpting those in zbrush is all :slight_smile:

Great image and I like the overall feel. congrats on top row!

nice wrk…she is so peacfully sitin i like her dress too and rendr is too good

so realistic. + beautiful
10 star from me:):+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: