
Greyhound Racing

AWSOME work KrakenCMT!!!

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

This looks better and better every time I come back to visit this post!

Here’s the final sculpting on all 3 poses in a material easier to see what’s going on. Also here’s a turntable animation. Now I’m off to finish off a couple of other lingering projects! Thanks for all the support and suggestions!

Greyhounds Turntable Animation1Side.jpg2Side.jpg3Side.jpg

I think the front legs need to be extended out more. Right now he seems too tucked in, but overall great sculpting.

Wow! The final outcome is beautiful, well done!

Love that material too!


gorgeous stuff Kraken! I love how the hounds turned out! And they look rather yummy with that chocolate shader of yours LOL :lol:

Great work, KrakenCMT :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

I think the greyhound’s right ‘fore-wrist’ angle may need transposing to bend more in the opposite direction in the second to last image (feels wrong somehow)… otherwise pretty much spot-on, and lovely posing!!!


Here’s the hi res rendering from the side I submitted as well. A little large maybe for uploading so here’s a link.


And here’s that chocolate looking material I used. It pretty simple really. Just color the model dark brown… or any other color really. I just liked it more with the dark brown. When I get home, I’ll provide a link to my bronze shader when I upload it to my ftp.

Chocolate material here


Damn man! This is awesome! Hi’s alive.

Great Work!

Those hounds are simply amazing. Jawdropping to look at, and real artistry at work. Well done Kraken!

Why isn’t it top row yet? banging job!

for some reason, this shader just aint working for me… I gotta be doing something wrong but what I have no idea.

When I looked in last time I missed the previous page with the group. That looks fantastic! I agree that the front dog could be a little higher, but that would spoil the overall flow of the group which is composed beautifully. The rods are certainly no problem, anyone used to viewing bronzes wouldn’t see them. I also agree that there’s a little too much bend in the front right wrist, but in the large render you can’t see it.

All in all it’s a fantastic group, you should be very proud of it. You oughta look into getting a resin model/3D print so you can have it cast in bronze. The foundry does the casting, you just do the finishing work (although that’s a helluva lotta work!)

Two questions remain:

  1. Why isn’t it on the top row???
  2. Where’s that bronze shader!?

:wink: :+1:

Wow, just beautiful work. I love how you really get a sense of the muscles pushing and pulling on each other.

I saw this on CGTalk–REALLY lovely work!

beautiful work :slight_smile:

hard to believe those renders were done in zbrush.

Thanks for the spot guys!

Sorry Slashpot! I almost forgot about the material. Well here’s the link to the material. It’s about 350k. Have fun with it! It’s pretty much plug and play. You can get a greenish color cast to it if you color your model slightly green or blue. Also I included another channel to it so that the lighting can effect the material somewhat.


Hey! Top row!

About time…Congrats mate, and thanks for the shader. Can’t wait to see the next project. Any ideas?

No problem!

Yeah a couple of new ideas, mainly for my commercial portfolio. I need to do some fall, Halloween, winter and Christmas designs soon for a few clients. But first I wanted to get back to Conan and finish him and do a final rendering of him with his war paint in ZBrush. Since ZB3 came out, now I can really go to town on him!