
GoZ to another computer?

I have ZBrush on one box, and 3DS Max on another box (primarily so I can work on ZBrush while Max does rendering, and other reasons)

Is there a way to get “GoZ” to send / connect with 3DS Max on the other box?


Hi @Randell

My instinct is to say no, but let’s see if @marcus_civis has a different opinion.

If you’ve tried it and it doesn’t work, then no. You’ll need to use a format like FBX to export/import between the programs.

Okay, so here is the work around in case someone else wants to do this.

  1. Install 3DS on the ZBrush box (a subscription will let you install to multiple boxes, and use one at a time.)

  2. Use GoZ, then save the project out to a share to be merged to the project on the orignal 3DS Max box.

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I’m not sure how the GoZ plugins work, but if I recall correctly doesn’t it save to a path shared by both programs? What if that path was on a cloud storage program like dropbox shared on both computers?

You can’t change the path. Because GoZ is a multi-app solution it has to work that way.

Initially, I couldn’t figure out how it works, but perhaps there is one source. You can easily do this with the help of a special service that deals with the transfer and storage of files. If you upload your files there from one device and try to install files on another device using this service, then I am sure that you will succeed. That’s why I think your idea is quite possible. But only if you use a good file sharing service. Have you thought about it?