
GoZ and Modo 601

GoZ and Modo 601 on a MAC not working.
Help Please!!!

I first thought, GOZ also doesn’t work with modo under win 8, but now I found the Problem: If the exported mesh from modo 601 to zbrush 4.5 contains non standard Polygons (e.g. with 5 vertices), than ZBrush simply Closes with an error-message. So before exporting to zbrush you must be shure that there are no non-standard polys. After cleaning the mesh and converting all polys to 3 or 4-vertex-polys, the ec hange works without Errors. Perhaps yu have the same Problem. mawag01

My problem was that GoZ just wasn’t installing right in Modo. After the 10th reinstall I finely got it to work. I have yet to run into the problem you are talking about. Thanks for the info, now I know what to do if that ever happens.

goz on mac modo hasnt been working since the release of 601.
gomoit how did you get it to work? any particular thing you did except just hitting install? did you do something manually?
ive installed and installed but modo just crashes when mesh is sent from the z.
there was a workaround to install old goz into modo but that didnt work for long either.

@ zbrushy

Here is my system specs and what I did.

OSX 10.8.2
2.8 Ghz Intel Core i5
12 GB 1333 MHz DDR3

Zbrush 4R5
Modo 601

After searching google for days I found this process.

Open Findergo to apps
Right click on Modo
Click Show package contents
Click Contents
Click Extras
Find gozio.lx and delete it if its there.
Open Zbrush
Click on Preferences
Force reinstall
click Modo

Once you do that close Zbrush

Open finder and repeat above step to see if gozio.lx is in the Extras folder.

If it is there open Modo and see if you have the GoZ button on the top bar right next to the Work Plane button
Then test it
Make a sphere or something simple at first just to check if it works

I had to do this a few times to get it to work.
I hope this helps

Sorry its

Open Finder go to apps

Copy and pasting mess up

thanks buddy
its what i had been doing too, but for me it doesnt work.
i somewhat got it working for two three sends when i tried using the old gozio.lx from r2 in 601 but that too stops working pretty quickly.
the goz button in modo is there and all but modo crashes instantly when sending geo from z to modo.
also zbrush gives errors when going from modo to zbrush. same errors i get when double clicking ztl files which hasnt been working in neithe r4 or r5.
ill turn to support for support now.
ah well thank you for the help ill keep trying reinstalling once in a while or hoping for an update.
cant understand why its not been working for over a year now its such a crucial feature for many.
seems like something they could easily fix in an afternoon but im not a coder.
will have to continue using 501 as the bridge, frustrating.