
GOZ 4R5 and Lightwave11 ?

Not working?

problem solved, i am not sure how. I just opened Zbrush4r5, Lightwave11, goz didn’t work and the options for LW were not present. Then I played whith goz from 4r4 and LW with no problem. The day after (after reboot) the options for LW showed up in the Goz menu of 4r5 , i installed them, closed everything, opened Lw then goz worked.

I didn’t clear any memory buffer or did a full clean reinstall of Zbrush 4r5, as some have suggested. So if you have Lightwave11, there is no need to reinstall anything.

Having the same problem. I can’t find anything Lightwave related in ZBrush. I never used GoZ, so I went into ZB4 and 3, but there’s nothing there either. Tried to force it thru another application’s path but of course that didn’t work. Was there another thread on this somewhere? Any help would be appreciated, thanks

Rayoc, there have a been a thread about that in the newtek/lightwave forums. I think you must start lightwave first then use the option GoZ from within lightwave to detect Zbrush BEFORE you can see the option Goz-LW into zbrush as well.

I don’t know if it is clear: you have a GoZ option into BOTH Lightwave and Zbrush, but it is my guess that you must start the one from within Lightwave first. Otherwise the option GoZ-Lightwave won’t show up in Zbrush (although you will see the other options for Max, Maya etc) .

I say it’s a guess because when i installed Zb4R5, the option GoZ-Lw was not visible at first. I had to reboot and start LW first, then use Goz from LW, to see the LW option re-appear into 4R5 as well.

In the Newtek forum they say you have to do a full reinstall of 4r5 and clear buffer memories. What a pain, Again I did nothing of that and the Lightwave option in Goz finally showed up after a little bit of patience.

In Ligthwave<11 as well as zbrush<4r4, there is no Goz option for each other as far as I can remember. So if you have Lw9.6 and Zb4, don’t expect to see the reciprocal Goz option, but you can still import objects (obj) from zbrush into LW and you can also applied uv maps generated by zbrush in LW to have complex sculpted and textured objects and it works very well. However you have to deal yourself with the different UVformats inside LW (like flip the Y axis if i remember well) . By the way you can even do that with Sculptris.
Hope it helps.

Hey Dickbill,

Thanks for the response. Yeah, it was just a simple matter of opening LW first, and hitting GoZ. ZBrush popped open and I looked in prefs. and Modeler and Layout were both on the list. Don’t know why I tried so hard to force model out from ZBrush without going from the other end.

Thanks again

BTW, Just downloaded the LW11.5 upgrade and am psyched to install. Lots of amazing new stuff.

I’ve followed the above suggestions … rebooting, starting Lightwave first, pressing GoZ … but Zbrush 4R5 doesn’t start up and when I do start it up … there is nothing related to Lightwave in Preferences>Goz. I have modo 601 and that was recognized immediately and installed without a hitch. What’s up with Lightave GoZ?

Try to start Zb4r5 and Lightwave, so that zb is active, but still DON’T press Goz from within zbrush first. Create an object in Lw, with no subpatch active, only quads or triangles with no 5gones and other oddities which may block LW to send your object in zbrush and then push Goz from within LW.

Whenever I run into a problem with anything, I have a bad habit of looking for the most complicated reason I’m having the problem, and then it ends up being something much simpler. Sorry you’re struggling, I know how frustrating it can be. The only thing I can add to dickbill’s suggestion is that you have to save the object in Lightwave before you can send it out.

Thanks guys for the suggestions. I tried it all. A simple head mesh, all quads, not sub d’ed, saved … pressed GoZ update from within Modeler … no go. :frowning:

Well, well … guess what? I discovered there are no Lightwave folders in my “Pixologic” folder. There are some in the older “Pixologic4R4” folder. So, I copied and pasted them into the newer “Pixologic” folder. I rebooted ZBrush 4R5 and then updated all paths. It picked up both Modeler and Layout, finally, and installed the necessary files. It seems to be working. But I’ll put it through it’s paces after a get back from some weekend traveling. I have to thank Lino Grandi from the Lightwave forum for pointing me in the right direction.

Nice. Actually, I don’t see Lightwave folders in my ZBrush folders. Where do they reside?

the lightwave folders (one for modeler one for layout) are in C: users/public/Pixologic/ GoZ Apps

They are present in both my 4r4 and 4r5 directory
, so they must have been automatically created during the process mentioned above, when lightwave send a first object.
Why are they not created automatically for chikega i don’t know. Are you sure your object was ok chikega? starting with a full head was a bit risky, a simple cube might have been better.

I’ve been duplicating the steps in Lino Grandi’s video on the Lightwave 11.5 GoZ interchange and everything seems to be working.


Thanks Dickbill