
Goodnight Sleepfight!

These are very cool sculpts! I’m a fan

Great style/work man.

Really Like your designs

Wow, awesome updates!
May I ask which material youve used for the boss battle monster? Is it your own matcap? Its so cool!

Thanks for the replies…

Moni-Poroni- Its a bronze matcaps that I altered…I’ll try and find it for you if you like…

Trying to finish the sculpt up…pretty much done…I’ll go in and put some scratches and dents on the machine before I start painting…Just wanted to show my progress more as I go…
<table class=“fieldset” width=“100%” border=“0” cellpadding=“0” cellspacing=“1”><tbody><tr><td>


Beautiful Monarch update :+1: !

I love this (if you had a step by from start to finish dvd of this I would buy it):+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Etcher- Thanks…started as just a torso bust but i guess I’ll keep him going a little longer.

Spaceman-Thanks, glad you like the sculpt…yeah… a tutorial would be cool.
I’m still actually working on my beta making of but as soon as I finish I’ll see if I can throw some steps up.

Great update! I really can`t wait to see him finished.
Regarding the matcap – that would be awesome. :slight_smile:

Moni-Poroni- Cool I’ll load it up soon…

Been sketching up Captain America while I’m painting Monarch…not sure how far he’ll go but I decided to post up some of the ideas I have…I’m thinking about a heavy assault type character approach…As if he’s the leader of some quick response unit. Maybe give him some type of heavy machine gun…we’ll see…


sleepfight, I missed this thread.
Excellent work and presentation :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Just getting all my base colors down…
<table class=“fieldset” width=“100%” border=“0” cellpadding=“0” cellspacing=“1”><tbody><tr><td>Monarch_color.jpg</td></tr></tbody></table>

I want this on my desk! Awesome work. I can almost hear his nasally voice.

“I will get you Doctor Thaddeus Venture!!!”

haha…GREAT monarch! The Capt America is pretty cool too! Great work!!

Hi sleepfight. I’m a fan of your streamlined sculpting style. Very clean and very well drawn. Beautiful stuff.

Thanks for the replies…
Decided to do a warm up this morning… A pumpkin… about 2

The pumpkin is great. Wish I could work that fast!

Just a little something I been working on…still WIP…




wow. attractive model.