
Gemini_2059-02_G20_d Alien Lifeforms

I havn’t posted anything in a while, as I am very busy with my personal project. Due to a change of plans, I am able to publish a lot of new stuff over the next weeks.
I tried to push my creatures to a next level. So stay tuned , and I hope you like it :smile: !


The Stag Beetle Rhino, discovered on Gemini_2059-02_G20_d, date 2792-05-12!

Sculpting and texturing done in ZBrush, compositing Cinema 4D and rendered with Octane. Plants are from Quixel Megascans.

The Stag Beetle Rhino is a herbivore Non Videre species, those beings have no eyes and are using other sensors for “seeing”. With a height of four and a length of nine meters.
It’s beautiful shaped big massive tank like head gives him a unique appearance. With it’s two antennas, the Stag Beetle Rhino is able to show his emotions to other species, with a whip like sound. Predators are very aware of this signal, because to be hit with It’s sharp and spiky head usually ends up deadly for almost every creature. This solitary and very calm creature lives in very dense grown swamps where it rarely leaves the water.
The Stag Beetle Rhino has a unique feature, usually known from insects. It’s breathing organ is at the highest point of his tail. Due to this the rhino is able to comb through and under water find foot as long as he needs.


Nicely done Christian! Great to see these Beetle Rhinos within an environment. :+1:

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Thanks A lot Jaime!

The Bone Head alien life form from exoplanet Gemini_2059_02_G20_d / Sculpted in ZBrush, composed in cinema4D and rendered in Octane.

The Bone head belongs to a species of animals which has a hole in their head, the “Foraminis Caput”. The hole seems to have very different functions, depending on the animal. In this case the hole seems to be similar to an olfactory organ/ nose.
The front part of the head is extremely stiff and it looks like the Bone Head uses it for protection. Connected to the very stiff part is a very flexible trunk like fishing rod, with four extremely sticky fly swatter like organs. The Bone Head is a omnivorous species.
The creature seems to life most of the time in water and just comes out for a rest, very similar to a hippo.
With a length up to eight meters, this animal belongs to the middle class sized creatures.
The Bone head lives with up to forty individuals in a group. Most of the time, they seem to be very relaxed animals but as soon as a rival or a predator comes near it, the Bone Head becomes extremely brutal and agile.

Enjoy :slight_smile:

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The Citus Mortem predator Creature/ Alien Life form, discovered on exoplanet Gemeni_2059_02_G20_d.

The Citus Mortem is the most dangerous carnivore creature on land yet discovered. It belongs to the family of the “Tripoden”. The Family is split into two groups, one has two tails and the other one has no tail. The Citus Mortems two tails, making him extremely agile on high speed, while giving him a perfect balance to hunt his prey. The females are able to run a top speed up to one-hundred and forty kilometres per hour as the males are just able to run about one-hundred kilometres an hour.

Compare to other species, there is a clear difference between a male and a female Citus Mortem. The Female has a more elegant and way less bulky head. Usually two females live together with one male. With a length up to fourteen meters and an extremely flexible and strong jaw, the Citus Mortem has no natural enemy.

Build in ZBrush, composed in Cinema 4D and rendered with Octane.