
Gears2 Environment Art (step by step page 5)

You guys have done a great job on GoW 1&2, you have done some impressive pieces of work. And thx for sharing your workflow. Can we hope of a wip in pictures? (or best in vid, looooove vid tutorials :smiley: ).

Ok, now I´m gonna have to play this game even more, just so I can tell everyone “i know who did it”. :roll_eyes:

Very nice use of zbrush…

Normalnot, thanks for the link. That is sooooo awesome.

I wrote a paper back in art school about the symbolism of the snake throughout history. From the devil in the garden of Eden, to the cobra on Egyptian head dresses, to the Mayans Quetzalcoatl (He was the serpent God and whole temples were devoted to the giant snake…probably based on people witnessing anacondas coming from the underworld and eating people), to the dragons in eastern cultures deadly serpents have long been considered worthy of whorship.
Check this site out about the snake in Italian and Mayan history and how similar they are:

Congratulations for the top-row. These pieces are terrific! I love the snakes.
I´m way impressed.
And many thanks for sharing your workflow.

Those pillars rock! really awesome! Well it all look fantastic! anyway you could show us the process you go through with a few, wip pics? Thanks!

fantastic! awesome detailing!:+1:

Congratulations on the top row.

Well deserved!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

This is really inspiring work! Amazing, really!
It will be pleasure to wach how you make such assets ?! If you have the time and desire, some day, it will be nice to make a movie “the making of” :slight_smile:

Wish you best man!

Kevin Johnstone,
No, I haven’t read the Alan Moore’s Promethea series of comic books but I wiki’ed them and they do look quite fascinating, quite a mix of things.

you said; I like the indian mythology, its one of the closest surviving relatives to the beliefs of the celtic mythology that I’m most interested in.

Yes, some believe that there was a time long ago when the Indian Vedic civilization was found to be world-wide and it definitely nourished the many indigenous civilizations including the Celtic traditions of the British isles. Roman invaders to these lands sought to destroy the cultural integrity of the celtics. What elements of the celtic tradition survived this onslaught of new ideology were forced underground… Later as Christianity spread over the land the Christian church apparently built many of its churches right over the same sites where once stood the celtic temples. Giving some kind of back-handed appreciation of what the Celtics had going for them.

I’m new to Zbrush and learning the very basics for now, but can I ask you if once you are satisfied with your models are they passed onto another department for someone else to colour etc. Or you do complete the whole package and then pass them on…

Many thanks…I’m sure I’ve shot up a few of those in the hospital courtyard.:smiley:

Hey Folks,

Thanks again for all the encouraging words, I will make time for inidividual replies and explanations on the next update… need to not sit at the PC tonight !






amazing work. I really like the brickwork in the first image.

Superb! I love the design of the environment. The snakes look really great! How long did it take you?

Thanks for sharing your work Kevin, there’s some great ref for inspiration in a set of encylopedia’s called Man, Myth and Magic.

I’m sure you are very busy, based on the amount of architecture I’ve seen in GOWII, so I hope you don’t mind me posting this link, for all of the people that are asking how you do this and that.

This is a link to Sebastien LeGrain’s Architecture tutorial, it’s the 2nd one down.


wow these pieces are great

Insane detail. love it.

Fantastic work, as expected! I wonder what was the budget for this game :slight_smile:

Wow… thats all I have to say. :smiley:

Excellent ! …like the game…so logically 5 stars from me :sunglasses: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:
