
Gears of War 3 - Character Art Dump (new images posted on Pg 17)

So awesome thanks for sharing

its amazing work like this that makes you go to the subtools Palette and add another sphere:D
very inspiring:+1:

I love the Gears lore and world design. VERY awesome seeing the raw designs!!! Wow
detail overload! Love it!!

Hello Everyone!

This is my first post to Zbrush Central, and wanted to share some of the work that I did on Gears of War 3. It’s really an honor being part of such a talented team, and growing as an artist simply by being around so many gifted individuals. The most challenging part for me was to try to achieve a balance of beauty and strength, as our male characters are depicted as being very strong and dominant.

My duties are primarily female character related, with an occasional creature here and there. Credits are included on each image. If there’s additional interest in Wireframes, Low Poly Models, and/or WIPs I can post some of those as well.

That said, I hope you enjoy! :smiley:

-Chris Wells “Wallaby Joe”




















The technical achievement of these things is really impressive. Very amazing sculpting. However

The designs of these things are just silly, borderline ridiculous. The first guy looks like goth kids that I went to high school with, some of the boss monsters look like japanese anime creatures, and many of the designs have just an overabundance of unnecessary detail that makes no sense and only helps to clutter the mesh into being a giant blob.

Sorry to be so negative and blunt about it but I’m not interested in kissing up simply because the technical modelling is so amazing. All the technical modelling skills in the world won’t save you from a bad design, and I feel that these just suffer horribly from terrible designs.

Why not post some of your “gems” for all to see! :stuck_out_tongue:

huge fan of the the game, even bigger fan of the work! It looks astonishing man! Great job!

P.S - Had NO idea you were the same guy that did Guile! I FREAKING LOVE that model! excellent body of work, great job here too man!

Making a statement like that would definately need some kind of backup on your part. One would wonder what your credentials would be for you to make such a bold statement regarding a proffesionals work. As you don’t have any images to show of your own work, we can only assume that you are nothing but a troll.:stuck_out_tongue:

Hi, Great piece. How did you get the floor effect with shadows? Did you do it all in Zbrush?


I know you guys love being nothing but fanboys in these forums but try to relax just a little bit. My post was not a troll post as I did give them total credit for their technical skill. I never said that I was better than they are or that they suck 100%. What I said was that the design of the models was pretty bad, in my opinion.

Secondly, why do I have to be as good as them in order to say when I think something doesn’t look good? I am nowhere near as good as the Epic guys are technically and I love seeing their work to know what is technically achievable by people far more skilled than I. That doesn’t mean I can’t say that I think something they did looks bad. I would bet that you guys are more than willing to see a musician, an actor, or a famous artist like Da Vinci and critique some of their work, yet I bet you can’t sing, act, or paint the way they do. It’s no different.

I am a professional. I work at a video game company as a modeler. I do not need to justify my opinion about what I think looks good or not simply by showing my own work. So I am a “professional”, but that doesn’t make a bit of difference as to whether or not someone can post their opinion. You’re as entitled to your sucking up as I am to my comments that I think the design of these things isn’t good.

This is not a community where we sit around sucking up to each other. It’s a community of artists where if we want to critique someone else’s work that they’ve posted we can. There’s no test that people need to take to prove how good of an artist they are prior to critiquing someone else’s work. So you may not like my opinion since it’s not sucking up but I can post it nonetheless. Deal with it.

[Deleted by the System]

Doesn’t look like bad design to me.

Get em Chris!

Looking awesome man!

Hmmm, I’ve seen many many paintings, sculpts, character designs, models etc that are overly detailed but lack overall composition. That really doesn’t apply here, these have great composition, look at the overall form, the silhouettes, the proportions you can see a lot of thought and planning has gone into each model, they really work!

I for one am blown away by these models, to me they look awesome, I could look at them for hours and for me, that truly is art!!

I think they did a great job on design for the gears of war franchise,
its a really unique look, its totally amazing:+1:

Thank you for being reasonable and allowing me to disagree with you. :slight_smile: I completely respect that you think the way you do about them. I do not agree but that’s ok.

They’re unique marines, the armors and the guns are very unique.
The environment is like some futuristic Europe, and that’s amazing!

There is a difference in critiquing and just being rude. You did not really come out and say I think if this was changed it would look better or I would do this you just said it is a bad design. Yeah you can say that and have your opinion and that is your right. It is also my right to let you know that I think you need to show a little bit of proffesionalism when writing about someones work whether it is my art or anyone elses.:+1::wink:

Great work man! Very memorable characters. Congrats on a great release!



^ true that!

the designs work for me! i love the way they look i can easily read them!

deim- your crit seems weak with all the heavy weighed glory its getting lol

but your “entitled” to your opinion. have fun!