

So we have to ask you to read our question to get an answer
Great here we go, can you try to answer my previous question?
I don’t think you have to go deeply on your workflow, one word or two would be enough


The glove and the fabrics are really great.

Cool Update Sebcesoir! :smiley:
This thread is becoming a very beautiful example of delicate tailor’s stuff…:laughing:

HOLY CRAP!! How are you getting that detail!!!? The cloth looks fantastic.
Well done!

Awesome job so far Sebcesoir! Your work is always impressive and this is no different! From all the other zbrush artists you really stand out for me because you can not only sculpt characters but your hard surface and cloth sculpts are fantastic! I can’t wait to see your finished version of a Gatchaman girl!

I’m not sure I guet you question Prayingmantis…

I didn’t had any detail loss when I added some details…
Maybe because I work directly on high res?
If you have, maybe try the layer brush or the displacement brush, they’r supposed to maintain all the details if you had problems…

Inspiring as usual, an still with only 1Gb of RAM. Great work Seb.

I’ll be honest, with a 2.2 GHZ and 1 gig of ram, my parents pc is on the knees…

But I did’nt expect it would be able to handle so muchHere’s a new step: the straps. theyre are pre build on max, and will be tweaked in bzrush…

I could have done them much faster with mesh extract, but I wanted them clean, with subD levels, to be able to reduce the polycount for preformances issues…


This gets better and better everytime you up date. I hope you’ll do a tut to show us how to get that kind of detail.

Very Good Sebcesoir!!! :smiley:
With a obsolete HW (as mine…:cry:) you are able to manage this kind of Masterpiece…
You are a really Genius! :+1: :sunglasses: :+1:

Do you think to add some datail with normal on the straps and render after all in Maya o Max?

Really nice stuff Seb! so you are making the suit from stealth?


Piz, I’m currently working on the straps. They interpenetrate with the suit, I’ll fix that and add fabric details.
For info I simply use a custom alpha based on a fabric picture to add the detials.

Little sister, I said it few posts above…

Sorry I must have missed it! :slight_smile:

but it’s a great model!

Merci Sebastien d’avoir répondu à ma question.
Je vais la faire ne français parcque mon anglais doit etre pitoyable.

Sur ton modèle tu as fais les détails de la veste au début, et ensuite tu as rajouté des gros plis, donc je me demandais si en les rajoutants, et en les ajustant, avec Smooth et autre, si tu ne perdais pas les détails.

J’espere que c’est plus clair sinon spa grave, Merci.

Et bravo pour ton modèle, meme si tu n’as pas besoin de plus de félicitations :smiley:

Translation: On your model you have done the fine details on the jacket first, than you have added some folds on it. I was asking myself when you added those folds and tweaking them, with smooth and so on, if you will not loose the details underneath.


I knew this was yours even before I read Sebcesoir on the poster field. Amazing as always. This looks so clean it is amazing.

ah… c’mon… you should see my 2 years old laptop… I’m killing him throwing polygons :smiley:

Damn Sergio… zbrush 3.0 on laptop…

I cant believe you… Is a wacom compatible with a laptop?

Prayingmantis: I didnt played with the smotth brush once I’ve added the wrinkles, it would have surely destroyed my previsous work.
Also for the wrinkles, I’ve added them on 1 or 2 lower levels of subd, maybe it preserve a bit the details?

Here’s the final version of the suit, I’ve tweaked his shape to fit to the body, aded the straps wrinkles on the suit itself, added some fabrics and seems.
I can now work on the face.


this is freakin awsome…

Your attention to detail is amazing - always an inspiration.

I can’t wait for the next update. :smiley:

Top Row (I just wanted to be the first to say it - you watch, everyone will be saying it later ;))



I don’t think it even had to be said… :laughing:

:+1: :+1:

So how many polys is that suit anyway? And did you stencil the fabric texture or brush it on in strokes?


Very Good Update Master!!!

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: