
Free ZTL Model from Nick Zuccarello (new VIDEO page 9 added 8/7/08)

When I unzipped the Ztool, all I got is the text message:
“AVE Maria, gratia plena,Dominus tecum. Benedicta
tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui
Iesus. Sancta Maria, MaterDei, ora pro nobis
peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae.

Kind regards NickZ, the forms and appearance of such human sentiments and proofs are warming.

For those that may stand aghast, it may not be necessary or even ever possible for you to raise all other works of mental intricacy to the ground. I wait to see your expressions of some other dark, stark, effervescent or otherwise beautiful metaphysical construction to the world.

This is great, I downloaded this to learn from and already I have found areas where I can improve my own meshes.

Thanks for sharing this terrific model, I now know better how to make efficient models.

I’ve been anxiously awaiting, and your gift is so much appreciated… I can’t imagine ever topping a mesh like this myself, so this guy is sure to be a jump start for many personal projects down the road :slight_smile:

Thanks Nick for generous contribution!
It takes alot to donate 3 years of observation and study to an entire community.

Lets just respect that and let the religious comments go friends :).

And many thanks to MSMbrush for the contribution as well!

Well guys, imagine the best modeled thing you’ve ever seen…with a racial slur…would it be top row? Of course not. People would FREAK out.

How about an amazing sculpt of a certain deceased Austrian (complete with morph targets) and a ringing endorsement of Hitler with some Holocaust denial thrown in for good measure?

Free speech you say? Where does it end? Just because believers of certain faiths are in the majority is not a good reason to relegate non-Christians and non-believers to second-class citizen status on this board…even if the admins of Z-Brush Central agree with the OP.

The stories in the so-called ‘Holy’ Bible are wildly offensive to many…which I won’t go into here…but suffice to say that we shouldn’t be giving people a platform to preach just because they modeled something nicely!

Imagine it was an amazing model of Asmodeus, only the tagline read,

[color=red]‘I ask you to take my hard work, and as you do, call upon Lord Satan and the demons below…know that we are ALL his children and that he will not rest till he has our eternal souls. Peace’.

Would this be appropriate for this board? I think not.

Can you imagine the responses from Christians and others who would take offense to this…clogging a perfectly good forum with endless religious debates? Do we think believers would remain silent as non-believers and non-Christians seem to be expected to in this case? I think not. This controversy would create a lot of traffic, more work for admins and do nothing to further ZBrush or Pixologic as a company.

Sure, to most of us it would be a joke simply because Satanism isn’t very popular…but imagine if the OP was serious!

If someone is using a free model as a lead-in for their personal brand of belief, I see this ‘gift’ as a disingenuous loss-leader to advance a personal agenda rather than merely an innocent sharing of artwork.

It reminds me of homeless people who have to listen to a sermon in order to get a free meal from some faith-based organization…or the people in Africa who have to hear sermons to get supplies from missionaries who then proceed to contribute to genocide via AIDS by advising against condom use.

If this forum is truly about artwork, then Nick should have no trouble removing the religious part of his message, right? What ‘gift’ exactly are we intended to recieve…the excellent male form sculpt or the word of Nick’s god?

The other problem here is, those who disagree with this platform are forced to either grin and bear it, or risk any backlash from using our names (often our real names) next to any dissent about religion. In this day and age, that puts non-believers in a troublesome position since our co-workers often read these forums too…and people still freak out about those who question or reject religion, sadly. This forum should be about Z-Brush, not religious proselytizing.

There are far better venues where one can advance or defend one’s religious ideas. Proselytizing on the forums is inappropriate, regardless of one’s skill with Z-Brush. If it’s all about the model…let’s strip the inflammatory religious exclusionary pitch and just share the model, with due credit to Nick.

Nicke, I would like to thank you a lot !.
I’ve learned a lot from your blog, from your tuts on gnomonology (the face model was awesome, really glad to buy that model) and now you give to community this wonderful gift THANKS A LOT

about religion. I would like to say to all TO READ what NICK wrote.
I think that NO ONE from EVERY Religion can get offended by that. they are just WORDS FULL OF LOVE love NEVER HURTS. If someone would put other models for free and also words of love and joy asking for praying (every religion asking for peace and love) I would be only glad about that. We will have more wonderful models, more ispired people, more love and so on… so what is the problem ?? what do you fear of ?
For people that didn’t like this words… I asked them just to look at what they are, words of love. no one is asking for conversion, for fight, or for anything bad in the name of love.

TO NICK it’s a wonderful gift not to be ashamed of what you believe in, you should be an example for anyone who love others and is not able to express his feelings

NickZ, this is amazing contribution!

How many work here are “dark” related and we all still enjoy these type of works. You can make devil type character, also and share with us for FREE and I will be the first person who will download this :wink: (as long as model looks good).

NickZ, God Bless you.

Thanks Nick.

Weather its taken out of contex or not, the message is there in black n white and is there for anyone to read if they beleave it or not, or wish to. A gift is somthing we can take or leave. I could go into a long debate on this, but that would serve no use, look at the world, and we can all see that not everyone is right in their teachings, even from the same bible.

3 years of work to give away for free is thoughtfull and kind, the message should be taken in the context of Nicks motives. Yes maybe the wrong place, or comparison to a free gift, but all the same im sure the intent was good.

To some, even the best wine will taste like vinegar.

Thanks, Nick, and not only for the ztl, but also for the very positive and heart-warming message that goes way beyond all “strictly organised” belief-systems, be they gnostic or agnostic.

Thanks Nick!
This is a wonderful piece for starters. Esp. to see how it’s splitt into subgroups, the use of layers for different poses and even topology too.
I wish I would have had something like this in my early-brushing-phase.


Thank you Nick for sharing. A great model!

But I agree with some posts, that it is a weird and problematic way of sharing a model, and I think that linking free models with political and religious messages shouldn’t happen any more in this forum.

Thank you Nick for sharing your model with the rest of us. I bet that you have put much love and hard work into it. Great for a newbie like myself to examine the model as I wish and gain greater knowledge about the way professionals model things in Zbrush.

We all have our beliefs, please respect Nicks too. Enough said…

WOw ,Thank you

Really thank you for releasing this one!

Thanks for freely sharing your work Nick, and for leading out in faith. Both take a lot of courage.

thanks again,


Firstly - thanx to Nick Zuccarello for the model and the message.
I would like to mention that niether am I a Christian nor any religion for that matter but I absolutely respect Nick Zuccarello’s right and the freedom to say that which he did. Even if his message may not gel with my own way of seeing things I feel very happy about Nick saying his stuff and it is not a problem for me.
What I really am disgusted about is some of the reaction from some of the other posters in this thread. Talk about over-reacting etc.
Jeez guys - get grip!
If it insults you then you are a thin skinned nitwit with a bad case of lack of self esteem and must be a secular progressive liberal. Lower than that you can not get. Please vote for Obama and get what you deserve.

Someone posted a message ages ago about the ‘BLOOD OLYMPICS’ and he was told to basically get that stuff out of here. So when you start showing your indignation about a Christian who says good things to his fellow man and react so stupidly and tell that guy to pull his head in about the chinese monsters that are directly supporting one of the greatest genocides in modern history in Darfur Sudan then I think YOU have a serious credibility problem.

This forum has some very imature and foolish members and that is understandable because so many of you create crap for the games industry. (ie moster after monster etc)
That says it all! There is more to life than a little grafix forum that tries desparately to be a mouthpiece for a software product and hides behind some form of self protected ‘art form ideology’.

If this forum wishes to practice censorship then it should be very explicit about its desire to do so and make it a public statement with defined guidelines but I absolutely refuse to take the word of some moderator that something does not quite suite his special interest which is totally against the laws of the United States and is anti - constitutional which I remind you is a Federal Offense. Take it seriously and have a serious think about the garbage that you are indicating here. If you shut people down then you better be able to make it stick in a court of law or you may find that there will a sueing be on its way to YOU.

Thank you very much for letting your art work free for the community! :smiley: It will be a big help for everybody, from beginners to advance user! :+1:

ZBrush users,

First off I just want to say thank you for all the kind comments, this truly has been one of the coolest things that has ever happened to me. (Me being able to share my work and this message.)

When I set out to do this I knew that there could be some backlash to what I have done, that is fine, it doesn’t make me care any less.

When I set out to do this I knew this model could be used in ways that I didn’t intend for it to be used, I knew I wouldn’t have control over its use anymore, I wouldn’t be able to control where it showed up, who had it, who took control of it. I wouldn’t even be able stop people from trying to try to sell this model even when they were given the model for free. But all that really didn’t matter to me, there was only one thing that I cared about.

For the hard work that I put into this model (And believe me there were many, many late nights. I know this final version is NOT perfect in any way but I did work very, very hard on the model.) the only thing that I asked (this is what I asked, the Pixologic group had no part in this at all.) in return for giving away my work was for my message that I wrote to STAY with the model.

Right now in the world, there are hard times for many. There are wars, innocent people have lost their lives, innocent people have lost their family members, people have lost their jobs, people have lost their homes, some never had a home to begin with, some struggle and many will loose hope through these trying times. Just turn on the news, there isn’t a whole lot of good news these days.

Through all this, I wanted to remind people that there still is hope, there is still love in this world, there is still caring, there still is sharing!

I for one will tell you all that I do care about everyone I meet on these boards, that is why I do what I do. I f you look at what I have done in the past, this isn’t the first time I have given away my work. ( I want people to grow right along with me!)

Just like many artists I have been given a gift, I’m not sure why or how it happens but I love art and I love to create. (I always have, from the very beginning.) To me this is one of the coolest things that one can do (although I’ve always wanted to be a guitar rock star…yeah that one didn’t pan out so here I am! :slight_smile:

This is what I can do, this is how I can help, this is how I can share, this is how I can care, this is how I can reach people and try to connect with them through my art.

I have put my model out there and it is EXACTLY like my message.

It is FREE, It is out there, if you want it YOU have to get the download started, when you have it and extract it and load it into Zbrush (your life) you have a great starting point, it is up to you as the artist to take this new start and shape and mold it into what you want. No matter how many times you mess up or if you go down the wrong creative path you will always have a base to return to and start over again.

What will you do with it? What will you create? And when you create, will you share your creation with the world?

Just try to remember I have done what I have done NOT because it is easy, but because I care. This is what I was called to do.

If my message offends you in any way, I give you full permission to take my model, put it on a server some where and let people download the file free with no message at all……after all its all just zeros and ones. I just wanted to be the one that shares the good news! J

Peace be with you all,

NickZ. :slight_smile:

Awesome sculpt but this forum shouldn’t be used to preach, state or reference any religion regardless how popular it may be.this is a private forum meaning free speech does not apply here. About this message being “a message of love.” I’m sure even tyrants have been quoted by their people as bringing “a message of love” at some point during their reign. Context is 9/10ths of any statement and backing any expression of love with religion will offend people on this multicultural board. I am disgusted with Pixologic’s moderators for placing this post on the top row with the religious context (I would be saying this about any religion).

Shame on you Pixologic.

I would hope that Nick will do the right thing and realize that though it is not wrong to be proud of his beliefs and he should not be ashamed of who he is that giving a conditional gift based on a sermon on a board that is art driven and not religion driven is wrong and out of context.