
free-willy's doodles and sculpts

Really nice look and clean production value you have going there.

Frenchy Pilou: thanks :slight_smile:
Dhyego: thanks :slight_smile:
krawlin: thanks :slight_smile:

calling this done now,it was always meant to just be a piece to try out the new bpr render and actually using the seperate passes in photoshop,…but i kinda like it so will now be a portfolio piece :slight_smile:

robin final.jpg

thanks for looking :slight_smile:


robin final sculpt only.jpg

Wow those feathers turned out so good! It has a lovely painting feel to it.

I see a few of them every day and they are really cute.
Great render and beautiful work! :slight_smile:

that is awesome - how did you make the feathers ? fibers?

Beautifully model and render! You really caught a nice mood, makes me wanna make a bird myself haha :smiley:

zboyet: thanks :slight_smile:

Moni-Poroni: thanks :),yeah they are kinda cute,…very inquisitive things!,do you get robins like this where you are?,i thought this type were native to the UK.

MephistonX: thanks :), photoshop smudge tool and patience :stuck_out_tongue:

-Storm-: thanks :), you should do it,quite challenging for something so simple looking,i learnt quite alot from it.

hey all,been bit busy so updates have been really slow,…sabrewulf characters are a little further,…i’ll post up as and when i get em nearer completion.

after nosing through an awesome thread on game artisans started up by crazyfool, i felt the urge to have a play with zsketch,…such a cool quick way of getting a character blocked out with plenty of evenly spaced polys :).


the head was a lunchtime 1hr bust from a sphere,…the zsketch > blocked out sculpt took about 2hrs,…gonna use this way for characters in future.

zsketch play.jpg

little more progress :slight_smile:

hi all,
been working on my entry for the brawl comp on polycount, heres my latest progress. Decided to redesign lizardman from soul caliber,…the idea being to make him more agressive looking than how he looks in the game.


Hi all,

Finally got round to updating some work, Bloater is at a stage im happy with as a sculpt, i might at some point turn him into a game rez version.
Drooler got turned into a game rez mesh :slight_smile: 6541 tri’s (without the base water,lily pads and dragonfly) 1 x (1024 x 1024) colour,normal,spec texture maps

thanks for looking


drooler portfolio beauty with wireframe and logo.jpg

sabrewulf sculpt bloater with logo.jpg

Awesome character design - can’t wait to see more of your creatures!

Ah man, how did I miss this thread? I totally love the style of this DROOLER and BLOATER. Super AWSOME (and thanks for the tute on the final render on them). I really dig this style very much. Best.

I can just concur, great character design and really digging your style :slight_smile:
Looking forward seeing more from you!
All the best and happy sculpting,

  • Kenny:)

VISEone: thanks :), cant take credit for the design, they’re concepts from a RARE game called Sabrewulf.

Dragon: thanks :), yeah they are pretty cool concepts, i originally wanted to do more of the characters, but i need some variation in the portfolio.

KC-Production: thanks ‘again’ :slight_smile: glad you like.

another piccy recently done. Its the lion mascot for a charity raising awareness for Cystic Fibrosis.
lucky timing with the new fibremesh brush since i used it for the lion main :),render passes comped in photoshop.


Brandon The Lion_02.jpg

So cute!
Like your style! :+1:

Ha, the lion is a nice addition. Please keep em coming. Again, real neat work… it’s all so clean.

asecbrush: thanks :slight_smile:

Dragon:thanks :slight_smile:

wasnt a big fan of the pose or hair on meg so decided to dig her out and improve them.

thanks for looking



Nice work and the toon shader is great aswell:+1:small_orange_diamond:)

skinnier legs would look better imo